Bunyip super-computer
An additional costly and complex broadcasting infrastructure is not needed for delivering video content. The same model as used for creating and distributing web sites can be used: content is prepared on a personal computer and then uploaded to a server for delivery. Community programs, including news, could be created by individuals shooting material and uploading it from home to a server where others could select material for a program. The server and network can then deliver content on-demand or at preset times. If some content becomes very popular, then larger servers based on multiple PCs, similar to the Bunyip super-computer could be used (ANU 2001).Multimedia is currently poorly served by video editing software, which is designed to simulate the analogue film editing process. It should be possible to produce hybrid software, which adds functions for the creation of storyboards and other multimedia tools to office automation software.
Open Office is a project to produce open-source office software project with word processing, spreadsheet and graphics functions. Open Office uses an XML based file formats and has the ability to convert to and from Microsoft office formats.It has been demonstrated that it is feasible to transform XML Open Office documents to different formats using short simple computer programs (Barnes 2002). It should be feasible to add additional XML formats, such as the TV-Anytime Metadata Specification, to Open Office format documents.
Integrated software would allow imported text to be marked up as a film script. The script could then have a storyboard added and this played back with text displayed on screen or spoken by a synthetic voice. The video could then be shot and automatically edited to a rough cut. This would allow multi-media work, with print, web, audio, video and interactive versions to produced in one work.