Centenary of Canberra Celebration Suggestions
In 2005 the Australian Capital Territory Government asked for ideas on how to celibate Canberra's centenary in 2013.
... The birth of Canberra as the national capital was marked by the laying of the foundation stones for a 'Commencement Column' on 12 March 1913, and the naming announcement by Lady Denman, wife of the then Governor-General.
... There are local, national and international dimensions to the celebration, which can be accommodated and celebrated together.
These perspectives could be characterised as:
- Celebrating Canberra;
- Reaching the Nation; and
- Canberra, International City.
From: "Canberra 100 Celebration of a Century: A Discussion Paper Planning for the Centenary of Canberra, Australia's Capital", Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2005
Canberra as a Showcase for Environmentally and Socially Sensitive Design
This is to propose Canberra initiate a number of projects in transport, housing and communications to improve the quality of life and reduce the environmental impact of the urban environment. In each case this would leverage investments already made. Canberra's researchers and academics would work with government and business to improve the social and environmental benefits of the projects. They would then document the work and invite their colleagues from around the world to come and see the results in 2013. There would be an emphasis on working with people in the developing world. Students and business people would be encouraged to come to Canberra, learn and collaborate. Some would visit in person, but many more would visit virtually via the Internet, the web and by podcast.
So here are a few ideas for Canberra to be developed further:
- Canberra Electric Highway
- eTrain: Canberra Hybrid Fast Train to Sydney Airport
- eTram: Canberra Tram
- eGov: Canberra Institute for Advanced Government
- ePod: Cooperative Environmentally Sustainable Housing for the Disabled
More Information
City Planning and Futures
Canberra's history
See: History of the Australian Capital Territory, Wikipedia, 13 March 2006. Also:
- Clarke, P. 1986, A Colonial Woman: the Life and Times of Mary Braidwood Mowle, 1827-1857, Allen Unwin, Sydney.
- Daly, C.S. 1994, As I Recall: Reminiscences of Early Canberra, Mulini Press in association with the Canberra and District Historical Society, Canberra.
- Gale, J. 1977, Canberra: History and Legends Relating to the Federal Capital Territory of the Commonwealth of Australia, Library of Australian History, North Sydney.
- Gibbney, J. 1988, Canberra 1913-1953, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
- Gillespie, L.L. 1991, Canberra 1820-1913, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
- Pegrum, R. 1983, The Bush Capital: How Australia Chose Canberra as its Federal City, Hale Iremonger, Sydney.
- Sparke, E. 1988, Canberra 1954-1980, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
- Wigmore, L. 1963, The Long View: a History of Canberra, Australia's National Capital, F.W. Cheshire, Melbourne.
Selected from "Suggestions for further reading on Canberra's history", "Canberra 100 Celebration of a Century: A Discussion Paper Planning for the Centenary of Canberra, Australia's Capital", Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2005