Innovative Ideas Forum, Canberra
On Monday I am going along to the Innovative Ideas Forum at the National Library of Australia:
Tomorrow during the conference I will try and do a "live" update from the library. Anyone with a question for a speaker can email it to me.
ps: I wrote this with the Writely on-line word processor, recently acquired by Google.
Program (the abstracts are also available):
9.00am Welcome by Dr Warwick Cathro
Future trends in information discovery and delivery. (Richard Springhall, Yahoo!7 )
9.30am Trends in integrated library management system developments. (Jeroen Reiniers, Endeavor Information Systems)
10.00am Dis-integrating the integrated library information management system. (Lloyd Sokvitne, State Library of Tasmania) (abstract)
10.30-11.00 Morning tea
11.00am (chair: Tony Boston) What's in A Name? Issues in Identification. (Geoff Huston, Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre ) (abstract)
11.30am DART: Dataset acquisition, accessibility and annotation e-research technologies. (Andrew Treloar, Monash University) (abstract)
12.00pm Next generation networks and advanced communication services - expanding the reach and interactivity of cultural institutions. (George McLaughlin, AARNET) (abstract)
LUNCH 12.30pm - 1.15pm
1.15pm (chair: Mark Corbould) NLA Strategic Directions. (Warwick Cathro, NLA)
2.00pm Extending Digital Libraries Infrastructure to support eResearch. (Jane Hunter, University of Queensland) (abstract)
2.30pm Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. (Maggie Exon, Curtin University)
3.00-3.30 Afternoon tea
3.30pm (chair: Warwick Cathro) Creative Commons. (Brian Fitzgerald, Queensland University of Technology)
4.00pm National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance. (Aaron Corn, Sydney Conservatorium) (abstract)
4.30pm Australian Social Science Data Archives. (Sophie Holloway, Australian National University) (abstract)
9.00am (chair: Heidi Pritchard)
The Learning Federation. (Alan Bevan, CEO) (abstract)
EdNA Online's shared information services architecture and the delivery of education-related resources. (Pru Mitchell and Gus Singh, EdNA Online) (abstract)
Domesticated and feral - sharing resources created by expert resource developers and enthusiastic classroom teachers, while ensuring quality. (Kevin O'Gorman, Centre for Learning Innovation) (abstract)
10.30-11.00 Morning tea
11.00am (chair: Helen Kon)
Learning content for cultural institutions, in digital publishing and workflow design. (Greg Styles, Blended Learning International) (abstract)
Connecting people to information through the VOCED database. (Miriam Saunders, National Centre for Vocational Education Research) (abstract)
Vrroom: the virtual reading room of the National Archives of Australia. (Beatrice Barnett, National Archives) (abstract)
LUNCH 12.30pm - 1.30pm
1.30pm (chair: Margy Burn)
NLA services to support education and research. (Tony Boston, NLA) (abstract)
Gateway to Australian educational research: new products & services from the Australian Council For Educational Research (ACER). (Sue Clarke and Tine Grimston, Australian Council for Educational Research) (abstract)
A proposal for a national catalogue and resource sharing service for people with a print disability. (Donna Runner, Deakin University) (abstract)
3.00-3.30 Afternoon tea
3.30pm (chair: Warwick Cathro)
Information Management in action: profiling research with a create once and re-use approach to digital repositories and administrative systems. (Simon Porter and Eve Young, Melbourne University) (abstract)
Developing a national film and television resource centre for education. (Mike Lynch, Screenrights) (abstract)
The purpose of the forum is to provide an opportunity for librarians and others working on projects or programs that enhance the national information infrastructure to share information about innovative new ideas, developments and trends in providing access to information to all Australians. Services and projects contributing to the national information infrastructure include shared portal services, subject gateways, federated discovery services, collaborative projects to increase online access to content, and federated authentication services.That might sound a bit dull to non-librarians, but the speakers include some of the revolutionaries who helped get Australia (and the world) on the Internet. The web has started to demolish print publishing (and soak up its advertising revenue). The academic sounding topics presented here may decide who gets billions of dollars to be made in the next few years as podcasting replaces radio and TV broadcasting.
Tomorrow during the conference I will try and do a "live" update from the library. Anyone with a question for a speaker can email it to me.
ps: I wrote this with the Writely on-line word processor, recently acquired by Google.
Program (the abstracts are also available):
Monday 3 April 2006
Morning9.00am Welcome by Dr Warwick Cathro
Future trends in information discovery and delivery. (Richard Springhall, Yahoo!7 )
9.30am Trends in integrated library management system developments. (Jeroen Reiniers, Endeavor Information Systems)
10.00am Dis-integrating the integrated library information management system. (Lloyd Sokvitne, State Library of Tasmania) (abstract)
10.30-11.00 Morning tea
11.00am (chair: Tony Boston) What's in A Name? Issues in Identification. (Geoff Huston, Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre ) (abstract)
11.30am DART: Dataset acquisition, accessibility and annotation e-research technologies. (Andrew Treloar, Monash University) (abstract)
12.00pm Next generation networks and advanced communication services - expanding the reach and interactivity of cultural institutions. (George McLaughlin, AARNET) (abstract)
1.15pm (chair: Mark Corbould) NLA Strategic Directions. (Warwick Cathro, NLA)
2.00pm Extending Digital Libraries Infrastructure to support eResearch. (Jane Hunter, University of Queensland) (abstract)
2.30pm Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. (Maggie Exon, Curtin University)
3.00-3.30 Afternoon tea
3.30pm (chair: Warwick Cathro) Creative Commons. (Brian Fitzgerald, Queensland University of Technology)
4.00pm National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance. (Aaron Corn, Sydney Conservatorium) (abstract)
4.30pm Australian Social Science Data Archives. (Sophie Holloway, Australian National University) (abstract)
Tuesday 4 April 2006
9.00am (chair: Heidi Pritchard)
The Learning Federation. (Alan Bevan, CEO) (abstract)
EdNA Online's shared information services architecture and the delivery of education-related resources. (Pru Mitchell and Gus Singh, EdNA Online) (abstract)
Domesticated and feral - sharing resources created by expert resource developers and enthusiastic classroom teachers, while ensuring quality. (Kevin O'Gorman, Centre for Learning Innovation) (abstract)
10.30-11.00 Morning tea
11.00am (chair: Helen Kon)
Learning content for cultural institutions, in digital publishing and workflow design. (Greg Styles, Blended Learning International) (abstract)
Connecting people to information through the VOCED database. (Miriam Saunders, National Centre for Vocational Education Research) (abstract)
Vrroom: the virtual reading room of the National Archives of Australia. (Beatrice Barnett, National Archives) (abstract)
1.30pm (chair: Margy Burn)
NLA services to support education and research. (Tony Boston, NLA) (abstract)
Gateway to Australian educational research: new products & services from the Australian Council For Educational Research (ACER). (Sue Clarke and Tine Grimston, Australian Council for Educational Research) (abstract)
A proposal for a national catalogue and resource sharing service for people with a print disability. (Donna Runner, Deakin University) (abstract)
3.00-3.30 Afternoon tea
3.30pm (chair: Warwick Cathro)
Information Management in action: profiling research with a create once and re-use approach to digital repositories and administrative systems. (Simon Porter and Eve Young, Melbourne University) (abstract)
Developing a national film and television resource centre for education. (Mike Lynch, Screenrights) (abstract)
Labels: Innovative Ideas Forum, NLA
Greetings from the Forum.
The first speaker was Richard Springhall, from Yahoo!7. He showed use some of their search tools which combine a traditional web search with personalization and group facilities.
Unfortunately Richard didn't make
the text of his examples big enough for the audience to read. Assuming Yahoo!7's web pages have accessibility features (in accordance with Australian law), Richard could have used them to enlarge the text so the audience could read it.
I asked Richard what his partners at Channel 7's TV network thought of Yahoo providing a service for finding video content online, and thus putting them out of business in the long term. He diplomatically answered that Chanel 7 brought good content to the partnership and he didn't see a threat to their business.
Currently Jeroen Reiniers, from Endeavor Information Systems is talking about "Trends in integrated library management system developments". I snuck out to type this using the Library's free Internet access.
The sessions are being videoed. Perhaps, the NLA, will Podcast them, so we can then say "The Revolution Will be Podcast. ;-)
April 03, 2006 2:48 PM
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