Second Life, 14 February 2007, Canberra

NLA Digital Culture talks:
Flying Librarians of Oz: What's the fuss about Second Life and what's it got to do with libraries?
Second Life is an online virtual community created by its residents and run by Linden Labs. Over two million people have registered: Dell Computing, Adidas, Harvard Law School and the United States Congress all have a presence there. ...
Kathryn Greenhill, a librarian at Murdoch University Library in Western Australia, co-ordinates the Australian Libraries Building. She will provide a guided tour of the Australian Libraries Building and discuss some of the benefits to librarians of having a Second Life.
Time: 12.30 to 13.30
Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Venue: Library Theatre
Entry: Free
Speaker: Kathryn Greenhill, Librarian, Murdoch University Library, Western Australia
Introduced by Matthew Stuckings, Reader Services Branch, National Library of Australia
Bobby Graham
Web Content Manager
Web Publishing Branch, IT Division
National Library of Australia
Labels: Digital Culture, Electronic publishing, Libraries, Second Life
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