How many web sites does it take to change a light bulb?

The module is a similar price to others in the AFLF catalog: $409.15 For this you can train an unlimited number of people and modify the content under the AEShareNet-S "Share and Return" Licence. You can preview the module online.
Such courses could be very useful in teaching about how to reduce energy use.
UTE99 Electrotechnology Industry Qualifications
UTE10202 Certificate I in Sustainable Energy (Electrotechnology)
National Training Quality Council Noted logoThis product has been noted (endorsed) by the National Training Quality Council (NTQC).
This Toolbox is completed and can be purchased from Australian Training Products. Description
The Sustainable Energy Toolbox contains a range of stand-alone resources that have been developed to support the delivery of the Certificate I in Sustainable Energy (Electrotechnology).
The Toolbox supports two units of competency and offers a range of learning objects containing resources and tools to support the elements and performance criteria for each of the competencies.
The resources and activities contained within this Toolbox introduce learners to the concept of sustainable energy.
Within the Toolbox setting learners take on the role of a 'Trainee Energy Consultant'. Then 'trainee' works with the 'experts' employed by ener-G-smart, an international sustainable and renewable energy research consultancy company. The learning activities encourage 'discovery learning and include interactive and engaging 'real life' simulated scenarios.
Learners will interact with the content, resources and 'virtual clients to experience, gain and apply the skills, knowledge and abilities required to successfully monitor energy consumption and apply sustainable energy practices in domestic premises and the workplace.
UTENES061A Provide basic sustainable energy solutions for energy reduction in domestic premises UTENES062A Apply sustainable energy practice in daily activities ...
Labels: alternative energy, Australian Flexible Learning Framework, e-Learning, flexible learning centre
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