Impact of IT business strategy

Peter's talk comes after Rob Thomsett's talk to the ACS in Canberra last week, where he castigated IT project managers for failing to properly involve their sponsors in projects.
Six IT decisions IT people shouldn't make aloneAlso an electronic version of "Six IT decisions IT people shouldn't make alone" is available from Amazon along with books by Peter Weill and on project management in general.
Professor Peter Weill, MIT
Friday, 20 July 2007, 3-4.30 pm, Canberra
Description: Many companies are disappointed in the weak returns - and in some cases outright losses - from their IT investments. Professor Peter Weill holds that IT management should not be left alone to make the choices that determine the impact of IT on a company's business strategy.
Cost: free -- bookings essential.
Sponsored by the National Centre for Information Systems Research, ANU and National Archives of Australia.
ps: ANU and NAA launched National Archives of Australia launched the course "Systems Approach to Management of Government Information" in June.
Labels: ANU, ICT Governance
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