Carbon Neutral Linux Computers, Canberra, 21 November 2007

Australian Computer Society
Green IT Special Interest Group
November Canberra MeetingTopic: Carbon Neutral Linux Computers
Speaker: Tom Worthington, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU Computer Science Department and Char of the ACS Green Technology Group
Venue: Australian National University, Room N101, Computer Science Building, North Road, Canberra
Date: Wednesday 21 November 2007
Time: 5:30pm drinks/nibbles for presentation 6pm-7pm
Event Prices: Free.
Registration: At the ACS Events SystemNote: this topic replaces the previously announced talk by Michael Smith.
A study sponsored by the Australian Computer Society has shown that computers and telecommunications equipment in Australia generated 7.94Mt of carbon dioxide in 2005, 1.52% of national emissions. The ACS issued a Policy Statement for Green ICT, which includes suggestions on initiatives ICT professionals, government, consumers and ICT manufacturers can take to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions attributable to the use of ICT equipment. Tom Worthington, chair of the ACS Green IT Group, will discuss options available and demonstrate a new low power "thin client" computer using a "carbon neutral" processor.
About the Speaker
Tom Worthington is a consulting ICT professional, who represents his client's interests with software engineers, hardware suppliers, contractors and other suppliers engaged on a computer project. Tom has been an expert witness in several court cases involving international patent, computer, web and Internet issues, as well as advising governments and companies on ICT problems. He is a Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the Australian National University, where he teaches the design of web sites, e-commerce and professional ethics. In 1999 he was elected a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society for his contribution to the development of public Internet policy.
In addition, Tom has an interest in architecture, environmental design, energy and water saving technology. He is the founding chair of the ACS Green ICT Group, and has been invited as a guest lecturer on the effects of ICT on urban design for the Bauhaus Dessau and on smart apartment design at the University of Canberra.
Tom is author of the book Net Traveller and information technology professional, with 22 years experience. He writes about buying and selling on the net, e-commerce, net business, people using the Internet and travel.
Tom is a past president, Fellow and Honorary Life Member of the Australian Computer Society, a voting member of the Association for Computing Machinery and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
About ACS Green IT
The ICT Environmental Sustainability Group ("Green IT") brings together professionals interested in balancing economic and environmental aspects of information technology and telecommunications. It is a special interest group of the Australian Computer Society. The group aims to hold joint meetings with other professional bodies interested in technology, the environment and sustainability. Sign up now to get updates on ICT and the environment.
Labels: Green IT, Zonbu Green PC
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