Thursday, November 01, 2007

OAK Law Academic Authorship Survey

The OAK Law Project Team at Queensland University of Technology are conducting a survey on publishing agreements which ends 5pm 2nd November.

The OakLaw project (Open Access to Knowledge or OAKL), people are doing good work and have already produced an Australian version of the Creative Commons license. (Prof. Brian Fitzgerald from QUT talked about it at the National Scholarly Communications Forum 2007). It was suggested that the Queensland Government was looking to use CC for government data. This then could be applied to Commonwealth data, including Geosopatial data.
... The project is undertaking a survey of academic and scholarly authors within Australia to obtain an understanding of authors’ knowledge of publishing agreements and their experience in dealing with publishers in order to provide an accurate perspective on current academic publishing practices. The results received from the survey will be used in developing model publishing agreements, toolkits and training materials for academic authors and publishers.

If you are an academic or scholarly author within Australia, please click on this link to complete the survey:

We know that your time is valuable, yet we encourage you to complete the survey as we are confident that the results will allow us to develop practical tools which can be used by you to better manage your copyright.

Alternatively, if you would like more information about the OAK Law project please visit our webpage:; this page also contains a link to the Author Survey.

We thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.

Paul Armbruster
On behalf of Professor Brian Fitzgerald

Research Assistant
The OAK Law Project
Legal Framework for e-Research Project
Queensland University of Technology
Level 1, 126 Margaret Street
Brisbane, Queensland, 4001
Australia ...

CRICOS NO.: 00213J

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