E-learning for Engineers
On Wednesday I am taking part in a free workshop on How to write a business case for e-learning, sponsored by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework. Australian Governments are handing out $15 million to help business do e-learning. As part of the workshop, each participant is asked to complete an online learning module and do some research. I chose to look at elelctronic learning for engineering, as this is closest to my interest in e-learning for ICT professionals.
Provided for the workshop is a learning module "How to write a business case for e-learning online learning module". Unfortunately I was not able to read the text in the e-learning module as it is too small and I was not able to enlarge the text. There is a Text Alternative provided in PDF, which was readable, but does not seem to have the same functionality as the Flash version.
The how to covers in readable (assuming you can see it) language:
Fortunately the PDF and text versions of the practical guide were more readable, but not without problems. As an example, the instructions for the workshop asked me to investigate the resources found in the guide. But when I looked at the table of contents for the text version of the guide, the text "resources" does not occur at all. This was perplexing until I looked right down the bottom and found an image which says "Resources". While this image has an ALT text label with "List of Resources", the web browser does not find this. Even after this heading is found, there are no contents under it. The word "resources" occurs 47 times in the text of the PDF version, but there appears to be no section devoted to it.
Some Australian business groups have already been funded to develop business cases and these are available online. For the workshop I selected the "Engineering Employers Association Group Training Scheme (EEAGTS) Business case for a 2007 Industry e-learning demonstration (April 2007). This was for training in System Control and Data Acquisition ( SCADA) and Advanced Manufacturing Intelligence Systems (MIS). They use a fictional company to illustrate the benefits of the technology and what is claimed to be a real factory to provide production data to be used by the students. The proposal seems to be to use simulation, role playing and an online tutorial.
The business case seems to do a reasonable job of showing the need for such courses, but there did not appear to be any details of what alternatives there were, risks or what the project would cost. In particular the use of Digital video for the "mini-factory" (simulation?) seems technically risky and something where costs may escalate.
Provided for the workshop is a learning module "How to write a business case for e-learning online learning module". Unfortunately I was not able to read the text in the e-learning module as it is too small and I was not able to enlarge the text. There is a Text Alternative provided in PDF, which was readable, but does not seem to have the same functionality as the Flash version.
The how to covers in readable (assuming you can see it) language:
- What is a business case?
- Executive Summary-Strategic relevance and value of your project
- Description of initiative-Project specific information
- Options-Benefits and repercussions if not supported
- Options-High level cost/benefit
- Risk strategy
- Implementation Strategy-Milestones
- Understanding e-learning
- Deciding about e-learning
- Preparing for e-learning
- Funding e-learning
- Managing e-learning
- Designing e-learning
- Producing e-learning
- Testing and evaluation of e-learning
- Delivering e-learning
- Future trends
Fortunately the PDF and text versions of the practical guide were more readable, but not without problems. As an example, the instructions for the workshop asked me to investigate the resources found in the guide. But when I looked at the table of contents for the text version of the guide, the text "resources" does not occur at all. This was perplexing until I looked right down the bottom and found an image which says "Resources". While this image has an ALT text label with "List of Resources", the web browser does not find this. Even after this heading is found, there are no contents under it. The word "resources" occurs 47 times in the text of the PDF version, but there appears to be no section devoted to it.
Some Australian business groups have already been funded to develop business cases and these are available online. For the workshop I selected the "Engineering Employers Association Group Training Scheme (EEAGTS) Business case for a 2007 Industry e-learning demonstration (April 2007). This was for training in System Control and Data Acquisition ( SCADA) and Advanced Manufacturing Intelligence Systems (MIS). They use a fictional company to illustrate the benefits of the technology and what is claimed to be a real factory to provide production data to be used by the students. The proposal seems to be to use simulation, role playing and an online tutorial.
The business case seems to do a reasonable job of showing the need for such courses, but there did not appear to be any details of what alternatives there were, risks or what the project would cost. In particular the use of Digital video for the "mini-factory" (simulation?) seems technically risky and something where costs may escalate.
The Business Case for e-learning template has now been added to the end of Workshop resource: How to write a business case for e-learning.
February 14, 2008 5:52 PM
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