Australian interactive cricket web site
The National Museum of Australia have issued a request for tender for someone to build them an interactive display about Australian cricket. This is likely to create a lot of interest from cricket mad web developers in India. ;-)
The tender calls for Flash. Developers need to keep in mind that Australian law requires that such services be accessible to the disabled, which requires a little extra work when using Flash.
The tender calls for Flash. Developers need to keep in mind that Australian law requires that such services be accessible to the disabled, which requires a little extra work when using Flash.
They also have a tender for "European Voyages interactive".The National Museum of Australia seeks the services of an appropriately qualified organisation to develop the Australian Cricket Flash-based interactive for the new Australian Journeys gallery at the National Museum of Australia. The required services will comprise of:
From: Australian cricket interactive, ATM ID NMAT0708/14, 20-Mar-2008
- Creative concept development
- Functional and technical specification
- Interface design
- Post production of archival film
- Programming and development of the interactive in Adobe Flash ...
Labels: museums, Sports, web design
Hi Tom
Thought you might be interested to know that an online version of this interactive is now live on the Museum's website:
Karina West
National Museum of Australia
August 14, 2009 4:08 PM
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