Sustainable Sydney Plan

- Cover Letter by Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP | 550kb PDF
- City Vision
- City Futures
- A Globally Competitive and Innovative City
- A Leading Environmental Performer
- Integrated Transport for a Connected City
- A City for Walking and Cycling
- A Lively, Engaging City Centre
- Vibrant Local Communities and Economies
- A Cultural and Creative City
- Housing for a Diverse Population
- Sustainable Development, Renewal and Design
- Implementation Through Partnerships
- A Globally Competitive and Innovative City
Unfortunately the City of Sydney has created a very difficult to use web site for the plan. The council seems to have gone out of its way to make the document hard to find and read. The web site states: "Accessible versions of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 document will be made available here shortly." This is contrary to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Labels: Architecture, sustainable development, Sydney, Transport
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