Computers off Australia

A few weeks ago Mark Winter from inTechnology Distribution asked me to help with the campaign. At first I thought it might be a token effort, much like the Earth Hour. But in talking to people about Green ICT, I discovered than many people were under the mistaken impression that computer screen savers saved electricity (when in fact they waste power) and had no idea how to set the energy saving features on their computer. So I agreed to help out.
The idea is to establish"Computers off Australia" as a not-for profit organisation. As well as myself, Professor Robin Eckermann (noted broadband expert and green telecommunications expert) is assisting. The campaign aims to find an extra 6 to 8 people and an advisory board of IT and non-IT professionals to assist with developing new ideas.
Dr Idris Sulaiman, who previously worked on energy saving initiatives with the federal government is heading the organization. He is keep to hear from organizations willing to contribute resources to the campaign (in return for acknowledgment).
Recently established environmental organisation, Computers Off, has appointed its first CEO/economist as it looks to build links between its IT-based initiatives and government. ...
From: IT environment group strengthens government links
Computers Off appoints former government lobbyist to assist industry and government with more efficient IT management, Nadia Cameron 17 April, 2008 11:54:16, ARN, IDG
ps: The value of the Computers Off web site was brought home to me recently when I was attempting to set the power saving on a friend's Apple Mac computer. I realized I had no idea what to do, so I went to the Apple Mac instructions on the campaign web site and followed what it said. This process for both Mac and Windows is harder than it need be, as the "screen saver" and "power management" settings are in different places and can conflict with each other.
Labels: Computers off Australia, Green IT, sustainable development
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