Embracing Innovative eLearning Technologies
ARK Group are running an "Embracing Innovative eLearning Technologies" conference, 2-4 June 2008 in Sydney. Normally I don't plug such for-profit events, unless I am speaking at them. But this one looks okay, from the brochure. But then I recall them calling me some time in the past and asking for suggestions, so in part these might be my words. ;-)
Embracing Innovative eLearning Technologies Aligning instructional design and emerging technologies with learner capabilities and needs
Workforce training is widely recognised as an important force driving business performance. In recent years more and more organisations have shown interest in making the shift from instructor-led to electronic learning, because of its time and cost efficiency and flexible way of getting knowledge across to the targeted people.
Recent trends have shown some exciting developments in eLearning technologies with the introduction and development of social networking tools, mLearning and the adoption of virtual worlds in training programs.
However, there is still a lack of knowledge about the capabilities of these new eLearning technologies. Organisations also face numerous pitfalls in the
instructional design stage and implementation of eLearning solutions and content. Accessible systems that have educative and engaging content for the learner are difficult to find and develop. Due to lack of insight into the possibilities and knowledge of implementation war-stories, many organisations are therefore weary to adopt eLearning technologies.
This conference focuses on the range of eLearning tools and technologies available and will allow you to hear practical case studies and learn from professionals in the following areas:
* Overcoming objections to adopting eLearning technologies
* Deploying an instructional design approach in developing eLearning systems and content
* Designing and implementing user-centred, engaging and accessible eLearning solutions
* Getting people to use the technology
* Using Web 2.0, mLearning, podcasting and virtual world technologies for learning and development
* Benchmarking your organisation’s eLearning efforts against other organisations
Workshop A: Building an integrated learning strategy for your
Facilitated by: Dion Groeneweg, Director, Cape Group
About the workshop: In this three hour hands-on workshop participants will work through a case study to develop a learning strategy for a company.
They will understand the various components of the learning strategy and how it links to the business strategy and HRIS strategy. The elements covered during the previous two days of the conference will be used to pull together a practical learning strategy that can be implemented into any organisation.
Key topics covered will include:
* Components of a learning strategy
* Building a business case to support the strategy
* Linking the strategy to the organisation’s technology strategy
* Technology support requirements
* Developing an organisation structure to implement the strategy
* Benchmarking metrics ...
Workshop B: Rapid eLearning: get ready, get set, go
Facilitated by: Paul Lambert, Director of Innovation, Online Learning Australia ...
About the workshop: It’s 2008 and it’s a Web 2.0 world out there. Get in, find what you want, move on. It’s how we work online: really, authentically.
Is your approach to eLearning keeping up? Do you wallop your learners with big hefty meaty eLearning modules? Do they love you for it?
The modern workplace is fast, dynamic and responsive and your eLearning should be too. Slimming down, simplifying and performance-orienting your training materials shouldn’t be thought of as an optional approach, it is the logical approach, and most organisations are better poised to make rapid eLearning work for them than they realise.
This workshop will look at learning theory, mixed with practical content development techniques to show how rapid eLearning fits into your big picture training needs. The following points will be covered:
* How rapid eLearning can be part of a strategic response to your organisation’s training needs
* What kind of content is suitable for rapid development?
* How does good instructional design enhance a rapid eLearning product?
* Tools, skills and other practical challenges
The workshop will have a practical component where participants work in small groups to create a rapid eLearning prototype. Participants are also encouraged to bring along some sample content for discussion and use during the workshop. ...
8.30 Registration and refreshments
9.00 Chairperson’s opening remarks
Dr. Elyssebeth Leigh, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Technology Sydney
9.15 Implementing a learning management system (LMS)
* Getting the support you need
* Rolling out eLearning
* Determining the required level of sophistication of your LMS
* Value for money
* Technical support and implementation
* Evaluation
Ben Metherell, eLearning Consultant, The Good Guys
10.00 Utilising the Australian Flexible Learning Framework
* A short overview of the framework
* Finding, using, customising and distributing flexible learning toolboxes
* The toolbox repository
* The learning object repository network (LORN) Shane Dowd, Toolbox Champion, Australian Flexible Learning Framework
10.45 Morning refreshments and networking
11.15 Implementing a blended eLearing solution in a
manufacturing environment
* Designing the learning content and system using a knowledge
management approach
* Integration of material with structured on job development
* Integrating traditional workplace experience with eLearning delivery to achieve synergy
* Realising business improvements in quality, cost and human
resource development
Barry McCarthy, Toyota Institute Manager, Toyota Motor Corporation Australia
12.00 eLearning 2.0: embracing Web 2.0 technologies in
* Adopting, managing and controlling Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis, blogs and community spaces
* Using mash ups to facilitate informal, flexible and innovative ways of learning
* Engaging learners with social networking technologies
* Using collaboration, interaction and discussions tools on the web for synchronous learning
* Questioning the reliability of informal learning tools and related organisational accountability
Cheryle Walker, Virtual Learning Consultant, NAB Academy, National Australia Bank
12.45 Networking Lunch
1.45 mLearning: engaging learners through ludic praxis
* The generation of new markets through new technologies
* The empowerment of new users/producers
* Innovation through creative exploration
Fee Plumley, Portable Platform Program Manager, Australian Network for Art and Technology
2.30 Podcasting: elevating content distribution and learner
engagement using new mediums
* Understanding the value and principles of producing and publishing podcasts
* Learning from case studies: what worked? How they did it? What not to do?
* Combining podcasting with other technologies
* Finding the right resources and tools to get started
Michael Abulencia, Academic Development Group (Science, Engineering and Technology), RMIT University
3.15 Afternoon refreshments and networking
3.45 Supporting formal and informal learning through
eLearning 2.0 technologies
* Engaging learners with serious game development
* Using web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis and internal social networks) for informal learning
* ING’s foray into Second Life: what have we learnt?
Debora Gallo, Senior Learning & Development Specialist, ING Australia
4.30 Edutainment: adding the fun factor to learning
* Delivering competencies in a virtual environment
* Enhancing learner engagement through Second Life
* Using avatars (3D virtual characters) to facilitate social learning
* Exploring the current status and capabilities of the technology
* Being aware of the network capacity and bandwidth requirements necessary to support the virtual world technology
Glenda McPherson, Innovation Development, GippsTAFE
5.15 Chairperson’s closing remarks and end of conference
3.15 Afternoon refreshments and networking
3.45 Supporting formal and informal learning through
eLearning 2.0 technologies
* Engaging learners with serious game development
* Using web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis and internal social networks) for informal learning
* ING’s foray into Second Life: what have we learnt?
Debora Gallo, Senior Learning & Development Specialist, ING Australia
4.30 Edutainment: adding the fun factor to learning
* Delivering competencies in a virtual environment
* Enhancing learner engagement through Second Life
* Using avatars (3D virtual characters) to facilitate social learning
* Exploring the current status and capabilities of the technology
* Being aware of the network capacity and bandwidth requirements necessary to support the virtual world technology
Glenda McPherson, Innovation Development, GippsTAFE
5.15 Chairperson’s closing remarks and end of conference
Day One – Monday, 2 June 2008 DAY TWO – Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Exploring learning theories and models Employing learning technology
Emerging trends and technologies
8.30 Registration and refreshments
9.00 Chairperson’s opening remarks
Professor Mike Keppell, Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Flexible Learning Institute, Charles Sturt University
9.10 Engaging learners in transformative learning:
educational principles and strategies for eLearning
* Designing learning interactions through authentic learning
* Enhancing integrated learning for application in real-life situations
* Translating and embedding educational theory into eLearning
* Transformative learning through eLearning environments
Professor Mike Keppell, Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Flexible Learning Institute, Charles Sturt University
9.50 Making the shift from traditional learning to eLearning
* Understanding the benefits of eLearning
* Involving and obtaining support from the IT department
* Changing from instructor-led to electronic learning: strategic,
governance and technological implementations
* Transforming by revolution or choosing a blended learning solution?
* Dealing with prior perceptions and overcoming objections to change
Debbie Kerrins, Capability Development Manager, Austrade
10.30 Morning refreshments and networking
11.00 Using eLearning to assist in the development of a
compliance culture in organisations
* What is compliance and why is it necessary?
* Compliance as a marketable asset for your company
* Creating a compliance culture
Julian Fenwick, CEO Blake Dawson Technology, Blake Dawson
11.40 Enhancing staff engagement in training and
* Exploring learning technologies
* Optimising user experience and engagement
* Utilising various technology to improve learning in the new ANZ Learning Centre
Craig Murphy, Online Learning Consultant; Wendy Palmer, Manager Learning Services, ANZ
12.20 Understanding the instructional design process
This session will draw on multiple client cases such as Optus
Communications, BlueScope Steel, Transfield Services and others.
* Reviewing instructional design systems and strategies
* Reinforcing learning principles
* Assessing learner needs and corresponding training styles
* Examining key online methodologies (what works and what to avoid)
Mark Vollmer, Director, MVMC Training & Development
1.00 Networking lunch
2.00 Producing effective e-learning: the principles and
* Understanding your learner
* Creating the learning experience
* Optimising content for the e-environment
* Usability testing during development
Tina Wilks, Managing Director, Symbiont
2.40 Developing eLearning content using an instructional
design approach
* Translating organisational development objectives into program content
* Defining the role of the instructional designer
* Collaborating with SMEs and the IT department
* Making the content relevant, stimulating and interactive to the learner
* Presenting content in a different way and keeping it up to date
David Robinson, Manager Learning Design &Technology, St George Bank
3.20 Afternoon refreshments and networking
3.50 Just in time eLearning resources for large scale
end-user system upgrades
This session will explore a case study of ACS’s ‘One Office’ project
* Outlining the program’s aims and objectives and scope, time, cost
and quality requirements
* Preparing for rapid eLearning development (RELD)
* Using SMEs and curriculum developers for content development
* Determining the systems, platforms and channels that work best in a geographically dispersed and technology diverse organisation
* Launching the program and deploying the content
* Attracting participation through blending with other training techniques
* Maintaining and keeping the program up to date
* Sharing feedback and lessons learnt
Dave Perrin, Managing Director; Nicholas Churchill, Learning and Development Specialist, iSkill Consulting
From: Embracing Innovative eLearning Technologies, Ark Group, 2008.
It's really true that innovative techniques have been adopted for online training now a days. Good post.
April 09, 2008 7:28 PM
Hi Tom,
The conference went well - were you there?
I am posting recaps on my blog if you weren't there.
June 07, 2008 12:34 PM
Deb said June 07, 2008 12:34 PM :
The conference went well - were you there? ...
No, I was in Istanbul
I am posting recaps on my blog ...
Good, but where is it?
June 07, 2008 10:30 PM
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