Professional Network for Educators in Australia
Someone posted a comment on my web site and asked for a response but did not say who they were. In the process of trying to reply to them, I came across My Edna and signed up for it.
This is billed as a "Professional Network for Educators" and provides a place to set up a professional profile, similar to LinkedIn with blogging and social networking type facilities. The service is relatively new, but already has some interesting features. I entered the address of my Blog's RSS feed and this now appears under my profile to show people what I have been working on. You can choose which parts of your profile you want public, or only known to people registered with MyEdna, or only with people you have specifically nominated.
EdNa is run by the Australia state and federal education ministers. It is an excellent source of information about education, but can be difficult to come to grips with. There is a useful catalog of resources (some of which I contributed). I suspect that EdNA already does many of the things which the new federal government envisages in its education revolution, but most educators don't know about it. Hopefully, My Edna will make it more accessible.
This is billed as a "Professional Network for Educators" and provides a place to set up a professional profile, similar to LinkedIn with blogging and social networking type facilities. The service is relatively new, but already has some interesting features. I entered the address of my Blog's RSS feed and this now appears under my profile to show people what I have been working on. You can choose which parts of your profile you want public, or only known to people registered with MyEdna, or only with people you have specifically nominated.
EdNa is run by the Australia state and federal education ministers. It is an excellent source of information about education, but can be difficult to come to grips with. There is a useful catalog of resources (some of which I contributed). I suspect that EdNA already does many of the things which the new federal government envisages in its education revolution, but most educators don't know about it. Hopefully, My Edna will make it more accessible.
Labels: andragogy, e-Learning, education
Many thanks for the mention of in your blog posting Tom. Did you know that it made it into Plugger News?
April 29, 2008 9:21 AM
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