Michael Still will give a free seminar about his
research on how to protect email servers on the Internet from denial of service attacks, 2008-07-31 at the ANU in Canberra:
Measuring deployment of mail servers on the Internet
Michael Still (DCS, ANU)
DATE: 2008-07-31
TIME: 16:00:00 - 17:00:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101
There are millions of email servers connected to the Internet. I have an interest in developing a survey of these servers to determine the current comparative popularity of the various SMTP implementations in existence. My specific interest is in developing Denial of Service (DoS) attack protections for such servers, where popularity data for SMTP implementations guides the testing regime for my proposed DoS defenses. This seminar will cover the survey methodology I am currently using, as well as early results.
Michael Still is a PhD student in DCS at the ANU, as well as being employed as an engineer at Google in Silicon Valley.
Labels: ANU, email, Security
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