Climate Savers Computing
In response to my request for ideas on "Improving the energy efficiency of PCs and monitors in Australia" Sean Casey, Business Development Manager, Intel Customer Solutions Group sent me details of the Climate Savers Computing Initiative.
The initiative has major ICT companies as members. They aim to reduce computer power 50% by 2010 and have a catalogue of energy saving ICT products. They provide a three step energy saving process:
The initiative has major ICT companies as members. They aim to reduce computer power 50% by 2010 and have a catalogue of energy saving ICT products. They provide a three step energy saving process:
- Turn on Power Management,
- Buy Energy-Efficient Computers (Energy Star Complaint)
- Unplug from Phantom Power (disconnecting equipment which draws standby power when supposedly "off").
turn off the heater
use energy saving lights
sell the PC
go to the pub and have a drink
this will save energy, body and mind
Ted the Grey
September 04, 2008 11:38 PM
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