e-Assessment makes the grade

This was a very useful and skillfully presented seminar, which combined high level educational theory, painlessly combined with practical tips for teaching. About the only negative was that the University of Canberra's technology was not quite up to the job, with the system controlling the video projector crashing and other audio visual problems impeding the presentation. However, Professor Crisp was able to skillfully work around these and use them as lessons about e-learning.
e-Assessment: more than just a grade This session explores some of the opportunities offered by online assessment to improve student outcomes and the quality of the assessment tasks. The work is based on the Carrick Associate Fellowship project and describes how academics can prepare interactive, computer-based assessments using helper tools such as browser plugins, java applets, QuickTime VR and Flash. The aim of the project is to assist teachers to move beyond simple multiple choice questions in an online environment to provide much richer, authentic and meaningful assessment tasks for students. Discipline examples may be viewed at http://andy.services.adelaide.edu.au/moodle/
Labels: Canberra, Computer Professional Education Program, e-Learning, interactive e-assesment
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