Enrolments open for first globally accredited Green ICT course
Enrolments are now open for the new elective subject "Green ICT" within the Australian Computer Society ’s Computer Professional Education Program (CPeP). This subject looks at how computer and telecommunications professionals can deal with sustainability, energy saving and greenhouse gas emissions in planning hardware and software projects.
Enrolments close 11 January 2009 for Study Period 1, which commences 18 January and runs to 19 April 2009. The ACS CPeP program is the first in the world to be globally accredited by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organisation created under the auspices of UNESCO for national societies working in the field of information processing.
Enrolments can be in the Green ICT subject alone, or as part of the full CPe Program. Credit towards Graduate Diploma and Master courses are offered by articulation with: Chifley Business School, Australian Catholic University, Central Queensland University, Curtin University of Technology and Swinburne University of Technology.
Enrolments close 11 January 2009 for Study Period 1, which commences 18 January and runs to 19 April 2009. The ACS CPeP program is the first in the world to be globally accredited by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organisation created under the auspices of UNESCO for national societies working in the field of information processing.
Enrolments can be in the Green ICT subject alone, or as part of the full CPe Program. Credit towards Graduate Diploma and Master courses are offered by articulation with: Chifley Business School, Australian Catholic University, Central Queensland University, Curtin University of Technology and Swinburne University of Technology.
Labels: ACS, Carbon Trading, Climate Change, Computer Professional Education Program, Green IT
Hi Tom,
I am interested in doing the course, however I will be away overseas until the end of January.
Are you going to run another course starting later in the year?
What is the cost associated with the course?
Daniel Sacchero
December 15, 2008 7:11 AM
DSA said December 15, 2008 7:11 AM :
>I am interested in doing the course,
>however I will be away overseas ...
You can do the course from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.
As it says in the FAQs, the ACS courses are delivered by online learning, using email, discussion forums, links to websites and online downloading of educational materials. Students do not attend a classroom or lecture theatre other than for examinations (there are no examinations in the Green ICT course).
>Are you going to run another course starting later in the year?
Yes. It is intended to run another course starting 10 May 2009.
>What is the cost associated with the course?
Currently the fees are: A$675 per subject for ACS Members and A$1300 for Non Members. On 1 January 2009 they increase to $750 for ACS Members and $1350 for Non Members.
But keep in mind there will also be the cost of 8-10 hours each week of your time for 13 weeks.
The course outline has details of the topics covered and you can apply online.
December 15, 2008 9:30 AM
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