Monday, November 10, 2008

Integration and Implementation Sciences Network

Last week I attended a meeting of the Integration and Implementation Sciences Network. This is a group based at the ANU in Canberra which aims to create a new discipline for understanding of complex issues between different domains (sort of a discipline of interdisciplinary working). Of course ICT people are trained in integration and interdisciplinary work as the computer systems they build often have to act as a conduit between different groups. This could then connect research to public policy, business and professional practice. You can join the I2S Network for free:

Integration and Implementation Sciences (I2S or IIS) is an emerging discipline concerned with:

  1. the synthesis of a range of knowledge, information and perspectives to improve understanding of complex issues;
  2. using research knowledge to support decision makers in various domains, including public policy, business, professional practice and community activism; and,
  3. using research knowledge to underpin the implementation of decisions in effective social change.

It aims to provide an academic base for largely ignored cross-cutting concepts and methods crucial for tackling complex issues. More detailed information is available in the overview of I2S.

The network aims to bring together a ‘college’ of peers who can support and critically evaluate each other’s work. There are a number of undertakings currently supported by this website and you can:

The network also has an interesting list of interdisciplinary events:

Analysing Colaborative and Deliberative Forms of Governance

Transdisciplinarity Conference 2008

14th International Australian and New Zealand Systems Conference

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