Green ICT Book Published
My new book "Green ICT" is now available, printed on demand. This consists of the notes for my Green ICT course so you can read the same content online for free. This is very much an experiment, so comments are welcome.
Green ICT
by Tom Worthington
ISBN: 978-0-9806201-0-8
Publisher: Tomw Communications Pty Ltd
Copyright: © 2009 Tom Worthington Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0
Language: English
Country: Australia
Edition: First Edition
Version: 1
* Paperback book $19.00
Printed: 80 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink
Green ICT Strategies is about how to use computers and telecommunications in a way which maximises positive environmental benefit, with minimum energy and materials use. This is a book to accompany the online course at:
* global warming
* greenhouse effect
* carbon emmissions
* logistics
* smart motor systems
* Dematerialisation
* sustainability
* Carbon Footprint
* energy efficiency
* Energy Star Program
* professional education
* course
* e-learning
* green IT
Listed in:
Computers & Internet
Labels: Green IT, Green IT Strategies Course
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