Public Safety Communications Conference Program

2009 Conference Workshops
Leadership in Public Safety
“when every second counts”
Sunday 1 March 2009 1400 - 1600 | International - Global Alliance Location: Star City Casino, Sydney |
Monday 2 March 2009 0930 - 1230 | National Fleet Forum Location: VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
Tuesday 3 March 2009 1100 - 1330 | Expert Advisory Panel Location: VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
Tuesday 3 March 2009 1430 - 1700 | Future Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering Forum Location: VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
Wednesday 4 March 2009 1130 - 1320 | Chief Information Officers Forum Location: VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
Wednesday 4 March 2009 1430 - 1700 | Local Government Emergency Response & Enforcement Forum Location: VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
Wednesday 4 March 2009 1600 - 1700 | Commercial Advisory Group Location: VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
TBA | Transitions in Leadership: New Heights - New Challenges - See Registration desk for details |
For enquiries regarding any of the forums or workshops please call APCO Australasia on 1300 796 668. |
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
Booking Essential
Booking Essential
Booking Essential
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
2009 Programme Schedule
Leadership in Public Safety
“when every second counts”
Monday 2 March 2009
Time | National Fleet Workshop |
0800 0930 - 1230 | For Today’s Conference Forums and Workshops, Please refer to page 1 of the Conference Programme Schedule Registration & Information Booth Open (situated outside entrance to Exhibition Area) National Fleet Managers’ Vehicle Technology & Safety Workshop (Session 1) - Bookings Essential (Meeting Rooms 1 & 2): Click Here for further details Opening Address: Deputy Chief Charles Beck — Los Angeles Police Department |
1400 1500 - 1700 | Welcome to the 2009 APCO Australasia Conference: - Event MC - Mr Peter Morris Welcome address: Des Bahr - Chief Executive Officer, APCO Australasia Gary Starr - Managing Director - Government & Public Safety, Motorola Australia (2009 Event Partner) Official Opening of Conference: Tony Pearce, Director General - Emergency Management Australia Keynote Panel Presentation – Australia’s Worst Natural Disaster A Panel presentation about Australia’s multi-agency response to the worst Natural Disaster in Australia’s history - Victoria’s Bushfires 2009 Those who were there give a first hand account of how they managed this unparalleled firestorm. Senior Emergency Services experts will take an in-depth look at these unprecedented events. Panel members include; Tony Pearce, Director General, Emergency Management Australia Superintendent Rod Collins, State Emergency Planning & Response Division, Victoria Police Chief Superintendent Grant Pitman, Past District Disaster Coordinator, QLD Police Service Craig Lapsley, Director Emergency Management Branch, Department of Human Services Trevor White, Director – Operations, SES Victoria Paul Holman, Operations Manager - Emergency Management, Ambulance Victoria Geoff Conway, Deputy Chief Officer, CFA Operations Directorate Kevin Brame, Deputy Fire Chief, City of North Las Vegas Jessica Block, Research Associate, San Diego State University |
1700 1730 2000 | Exhibition Viewing area open VIP Reception and Official Opening of the Exhibition Welcome Address: Des Bahr - Chief Executive Officer, APCO Australasia Barry Borzillo - CEO, Tenix Solutions - 2009 VIP Reception Sponsor Official Opening of Exhibition: Commissioner Andrew Scipione APM - NSW Police Force Exhibition Viewing & Reception area closed |
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
Tuesday 3 March 2009
Time | |
0730 0830 | For Today’s Conference Forums and Workshops, Please refer to page 1 of the Conference Programme Schedule Registration & Information Booth Open Exhibition Area Open |
0830 - 0930 | Keynote Presentation - New skills required for today’s policing Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Hallowes — Head of Strategic Operations, UK Police |
Hall 1 | Hall 2 | Hall 3 | Workshops/Forums |
0930 - 1000 | The use of technology to assist Bush Fire Management, including GIO Spatial Visualization (Emergency Management) Jessica Block, Research Associate - San Diego State University | Command Support Approach - Achieving a common operational picture across single / Multi Agencies (Information Management) Jeremy Azis, Managing Director - Vector Command / Roy Thompson - Commander, Metropolitan Fire Service South Australia | The 2007 Surrey Fire, Canada - Dynamic resource relocations for balancing emergency coverage throughout service area. (Emergency Management) Chief Eric Dutton (Ret.) |
1000 - 1030 | Field testing Police Technology for the future (Critical Infrastructure) Grant Pitman (Acting Chief Superintendent), QLD Police Service | Intergrated Command & Control Communications System (Information Management) Ranjan Bhagat — General Manager - Zetron | Emergency Warning Systems – Balancing technology with Practicality (Emergency Management) Tom Worthington - Adjunct Senior Lecture, Australian National University |
1030 - 1100 | Morning Tea (Served in Exhibition area) | |||
1100 - 1130 | National approaches to information sharing solutions for law enforcement agencies, for a safer Australia (Information Management) Ben McDevitt — Chief Executive Officer, CrimTrac | Connecting first responders - Satellite Technology - East Coast launch (Telecommunications) Michael Butler - President, Inmarsat | Ensuring Reliability and Accuracy of Technology used by Police (Information Management) Inspector Ron Phillips — NZ Police Callibration Services | Expert Advisory Panel By Invitation Only Time - 1100 - 1330 Location - VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park Note - Lunch Provided |
1130 - 1200 | Towards a National Emergency Warning Framework (Future Technologies) Dr Renato Iannella , Principal Scientist, National ICT Australia (NICTA) | Communication, Localisation and Risk Management Systems for Mining and Remote Operations - A Resource for Emergency Response (Mining) Dr Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart - CSIRO | Making First Responder Interoperability a Priority (Interoperability) Inspector Lance Valcour — Canadian Police Research Centre | |
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
Tuesday 3 March 2009
For Today’s Conference Forums and Workshops, Please refer to page 1 of the Conference Programme Schedule | ||||||
Time | Hall 1 | Hall 2 | Hall 3 | Workshops/Forums | ||
1200 - 1230 | Resourcing volunteers - is technology a help or hindrance ? (Essential Services) Trevor White - Director - Operations, Victoria State Emergency Service | Bush / forest fire fighting – international research project in germany (Future Technologies) Steffen Minolts - GSW- Consulting | 2006 Australian Police Deployment to East Timor (Interoperability) Inspector Ged Griffin - Victoria Police | Continued- Expert Advisory Panel By Invitation Only Time - 1100 - 1330 Location - VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park Note - Lunch Provided | ||
1230 - 1320 | Lunch (Served in Exhibition area) | | ||||
1320 - 1400 | Keynote Presentation - The Next Generation Wireless Broadband Network and its application to Public Safety in Australia Mike Wright — Executive Director - Wireless Engineering & Operations, Telstra Corporation |
1400 - 1430 | Strategic direction of NSW Fire Brigades (Emergency Management) Commissioner Greg Mullins — New South Wales Fire Brigades | Network Centric Emergency Operations - The Application of Defence Network Centric Warfare Research to Emergency Services (Telecommunications) Craig Phasey - Auspace Business Development Manager | Situation and Threat Assessments & Early Warning Systems (Community Safety) Professor Subash Challa - Melbourne University |
1430 - 1500 | Ambulance/Pre Hospital response to Australia’s worst natural disaster - Victorian Bushfire ‘09 (Emergency Management) Paul Holman - Operations Manager (Emergency Management), Ambulance Victoria | Sea Piracy - Current trends & issues Dr. Sam Bateman — Maritime Policy Centre, Wollongong University | Enhancing Coverage via Rebroadcast Repeaters (Telecommunications) Leo Doherty — RF Industries | Future Surveillance and Intellegence Gathering Forum Time - 1430 - 1700 Location - VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park Note - Afternoon Tea Provided | ||
1500 - 1530 | Afternoon Tea (Served in Exhibition area) | | ||||
1530 - 1600 | Community Resilience in Health and Recovery Operation during the Victorian 2009 bushfires - Are we prepared for the future? (Emergency Management) Craig Lapsley — Director - Emergency Management Branch, DHS Victoria | | The use of Biometrics to assist the fight against crime (Future Technologies) Professor Subash Challa - Melbourne University | Radio over IP: Applications and trends (Telecommunications) John Florenca - CEO, Omnitronics |
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
Tuesday 3 March 2009
For Today’s Conference Forums and Workshops, Please refer to page 1 of the Conference Programme Schedule |
Time | Hall 1 | Hall 2 | Hall 3 | Workshops/Forums |
1600 - 1630 | Health Emergency Management Communications (Chemical) Dr. John Moloney — Manager, Field Emergency Management Program, DHS Victoria | Real Time Video over narrow band channels - case studies (Information Management) Stephen Ayres — Lockheed Martin | Advances in public safety in-Vehicle computing technology (Telecommunications) Rob Thompkins - Vice President, Data911 - St. Louis USA | Continued - Future Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering Forum Time - 1430 - 1700 Location - VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park |
1630 - 1700 | Remote Video Surveillance on 3G, What Works, What’s Promising (Telecommunications) Dan McLeod — President, CrimePoint | Mobile Personal Communications - The State of the Art (Future Technologies) Alan Whitehead — Research In motion | Future integrated communications despatch systems (Emergency Management) Richard Stacey — Gibson Quai (UK) | |
Time | 2009 APCO Australasia Gala Dinner - Grand Harbour Ballroom, Star City |
1800 - 1830 1830 - 2330 | Pre-Dinner Drinks 2009 APCO Australasia Gala Dinner Located at the Grand Harbour Ballroom, Star City - 80 Pyrmont St, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will be represented at the Gala Dinner by The Hon. Bob Debus, Minister for Home Affairs. Gala Dinner MC - Mr Peter Morris Entertainment - Matt Hollywood - Comedian Magician - Vegas Show |
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
Wednesday 4 March 2009
For Today’s Conference Forums and Workshops, Please refer to page 1 of the Conference Programme Schedule | ||||
Time | Hall 1 | Hall 2 | Hall 3 | Workshops/Forums |
0830 - 0900 | Operational Command - Major Deployment Exercise (Border Security) Roger Batch — Manager, Operational Readiness - Australian Customs Service | CyberTerrorism & CyberSecurity, Table Top Exercises (Training) James Cavanagh - Knowledge Transfer Agent, The Consulant Registry | The development of an Electronic MECC system to support local government disaster management (Emergency Management) Jan Wandek, Managing Director of Aussoft |
0900 - 0930 | Terrorism & Counter Terrorism Trends in the Region (Counter Terrorism) Commander Wayne Buchhorn — Australian Federal Police | Spatial industry trends and the impact of new CRC research initiatives on ESO’s (Spatial Information) Graeme Kernich — CRC Spatial Info | Remote Area Mass Casualty Incident (Emergency Management) Dr Rob Visser — Royal Flying Doctor Service |
0930 - 1000 | Italian Interpolice Tetra Project (PIT) (Information Management) Captain Mario Bianco | Use of Location Intelligence by ESOs (Spatial Information) Michelle Martin - Manager Business Development (NSW) - ESRI Australia | Firefighting at the Coalface - CFA response to Morwell Open Cut Fire- September 2008 (Mining) Greg Flynn - Operations Manager, Region 10, Country Fire Authority |
1000 - 1030 | Morning Tea (Served in Exhibition area) | ||||
1030 - 1130 | Keynote Presentation - Utilising Technology in LA Policing - The LAPD Strategic Plan Deputy Chief Charles Beck — Los Angeles Police Department | ||||
1130 - 1200 | Lifelong learning for ESOs (Training) Dep. Fire Chief Kevin Brame — City of North Las Vegas Fire Department (USA) | Global Trends in Public Safety Spectrum Standards (Telecommunications) David Lum - Director, Asia\Pacific Product & Support Operations, Motorola | Hand Held Mobile Satelite Broadband Technology (Spatial Information) Henrik Jacobsen — Managing Director, Applied Satellite Technology Australia | Chief Information Officers Forum By Invitation Only Time - 1130 - 1320 Location - VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park Note - Lunch Provided | |
1200 - 1230 | Lessons for Australia from Mumbai Terrorist Attack (Counter Terrorism) Dr Greg Barton - Herb Feith Research Professor for the Study of Indonesia, Monash University | Challenges when combating natural disasters, ie floods, storms and tsunami (Emergency Management) Steve Opper - Director, Emergency Risk Management, New South Wales State Emergency Service | Smart Applications for Emergencies (SAFE) strategic project (CCTV) Professor Chris Scott — National ICT Australia (NICTA) Queensland Research Lab. | |
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
Wednesday 4 March 2009
For Today’s Conference Forums and Workshops, Please refer to page 1 of the Conference Programme Schedule | ||||
Time | Hall 1 | Hall 2 | Hall 3 | Workshops/Forums |
1230 - 1320 | Lunch (Served in Exhibition area) | Forum Continued - See Above | ||
1320 - 1400 | Keynote Presentation - The role of user-centered design in developing technologies for public safety Bruce Claxton - Senior Director, Design Integration, Motorola |
1400 - 1430 | Using Police Information In the Mobile Environment (Future Technologies) Ian Readhead — Director of Information, ACPO Criminal Records Office (ACRO) - UK Police | National-level Best Practice for Emergency Management (Information Management) Mr Ron Bender - Director of Strategic Solutions - Tyco Electronics Wireless Systems | Fighting Fires with Military Hardware (Future Technologies) Oliver Hanfelder — Airmatic (Germany) |
1430 - 1500 | Capture and Visualisation of Fire Ground Intelligence in the NSW RFS (Critical Infrastructure) Gareth Carter - Manager GIS, NSW Rural Fire Service | Public Safety Technologies in public transport (Community Safety) Evan Craig - Manager, Control Systems Architecture, Systems & Information Services Division - Department of Transport | Mobile Phone GPS tracking of personnel (Future Technologies) Michael Robson - Managing Director, Mapmates | Local Government Emergency Response & Enforcement Forum Time - 1430 - 1700 Location - VIP Room - Level 1, Australian Technology Park Note - Afternoon Tea Provided | ||
1500 - 1530 | Afternoon Tea (Served in Exhibition area) | | ||||
1530 - 1600 | Operational and Planning Challenges during APEC 2007 (Emergency Management) Commander Peter Lennon — New South Wales Police | | P25 Encryption Management - Improving radio communications security (Information Management) Simon Britten — Tait Electronics | Early warning systems for Major Climate Events (Emergency Management) John Hadnmer - RMIT | ||
1600 - 1630 | Challenge of managing a remote event - Kargaroo Island Fires (Emergency Management) Deputy Fire Chief Andrew Lawson — Country Fire Service, South Australia | | The Future Direction of Project 25 (Information Management) Robert Barden — Aeroflex Incorp. | Impact of VoIP on Community Safety (Telecommunications) James Cavanagh — Knowledge Transfer Agent, The Consulant Registry |
The speakers, topics and times are correct at the time of publishing and in the event of unforeseen circumstances, Australasia APCO Ltd. reserves the right to alter or delete items from the Conference Programme. All opinions expressed by presenters at the 2009 APCO Australasia Conference & Exhibition are those of the individual, and Australasia APCO Ltd. accepts no liability from any contractual, tortious or other form of liability for loss or damage suffered by the delegate or their later substitute relying on any statement, representative advice or opinion (whether true or otherwise, written or oral).
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
2009 Vehicle Displays
Leadership in Public Safety
“when every second counts”
A selection of some of the Emergency Vehicles on display
Holden Commodore - Emergency Services Concept Vehicle (ESCV)
This project was developed based on concerns from ESO’s regarding the effect of heat, power overload and increased equipment levels and their impact on Emergency Services vehicles and occupant comfort/safety. The purpose of SAFE was to gain an understanding of the emergency driver user-interface requirements and safety issues, and develop a standard interface platform for addressing ergonomic design and safety.
Holden Commodore - LAPD Prototype Patrol Vehicle
The National Safety Agency (NSA) with the LAPD’s Deputy Chief Charles Beck will be launching the LAPDs jointly developed high-tech emergency response prototype vehicle of the future.
Holden Commodore - MFB Operational Concept Vehicle
The MFB operational concept vehicle was designed by the National Safety Agency in accordance with research conducted from the ESCV project.
Mitsubishi Pajero - Forward Command Vehicle
With communication in the field so crucial to optimise emergency management & response, NSA teamed up with several vendors to create a concept command vehicle for the Fire and Emergency Services sector. With Mitsubishi as the vehicle sponsor, a Pajero was chosen as the preferred vehicle in this project.
Where possible, NSA works with the vehicle manufacturer to leverage off a lot of the technology already within modern vehicles, including the CANBUS and GPRS to maximise the differentiation of each integration solution; however, to maximise battery life and enable non-vehicle related systems to be operational 24/7 for immediate use, this vehicle was integrated with an environmentally friendly solar power solution.
Technology was utilised from a number of vendors, encompassing areas such as communications, Intelematics, vehicle tracking, lights and warning systems, mobile data and the aforementioned power management.
AirServices Australia Aviation Fire Rescue Vehicle
The Ultra Large Fire Vehicles Mk7 are deployed across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane airports. The Vehicle is a 6x6 wheel drive, fully automatic, 33 tonne foam,water and dry chemical fire rescue tender,holding 10,200lt’s of water 1,300lt’s of foam and 225kg of dry chemical powder discharging its payload at a rate of 4,750lt’s per minute and a throw distance of 75 metres. The Mk 7 is capable of holding a crew of 5.
Holden Commodore - Unmarked Enforcement Vehicle
Developed as an ANPR unmarked enforcement vehicle by the National Safety Agency, this vehicle is currently being tested for traffic enforcement purposes.
A number of additional Emergency Vehicles and First Responders will also be on display in the Exhibition area during this event, including the latest Mining Rescue Vehicle, Parking Enforcement Vehicle, a range of Fire Appliances, Communications and Command Vehicles and a Large Urban Search and Rescue Unit.
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content of the programme schedule - Please see Information & Registration for further details.
Transportation buses will be provided to and from selected hotels at specified times
Labels: apco, apcoa, atp, bushfire, command centre, emergency management, mobile telephone, mobile web, Sydney, Tsunami
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