Senator Kate Lundy has a new web site subtitled "
Taking Australia forward with openness". The Senator has been a pioneer of Internet use in the Australian Parliament, but has a result has has an assortment of web sites using different technologies. Noted technology evangelist
Pia Waugh has now helped the Senator to consolidate all the material into one place. I have suggested adding links to the archived copies of the old sites so they are available as a research resource. No doubt someone at ANU will do a PHD on the evolution of parliamentary web sites (there is a
thesis on web censorship lobbying). The Senator is going to run a series of informal technological events starting with one on "
The opportunities and issues around getting high bandwidth Internet in Australia", 7 May 2009, at the Australia National University.
Labels: Australian Government, Broadband, ICT Policy, publicsphere, Senator Lundy
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