Leaking water pipe in Annanale
At 2:30pm I noticed a MWS&DB SV cover leaking water at the corner of Booth and Johnston Streets Annandale Sydney (outside the North Annandale Hotel). I have report this to Sydney Water and will see how long it takes to fix. Worryingly Sydney Water say they normally take five working days, but currently are having in delays with a response. Curiously Sydney Water do not appear to have any way to report an emergency water or sewer fault via the web, only by telephone. At this stage the leak in Annandale is not an emergency, but if not fixed will risk public safety.
I wrote May 25, 2009:
>Leaking water pipe in Annanale ...
Sydney Water replied 27/05/2009 04:33 PM:
"...Thank you for your email. I have registered the problem with our Service Department. The Job Number is 11660690. This will be attended to by our Sydney Water crew as soon as possible.Please call the 24 hour Service Department on 132090 quoting the above job number if you require further information.I hope this information is helpful. Please contact us if you have any further enquiries. ..."
Anyone noticed if the leak has been fixed?
May 27, 2009 5:02 PM
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