Open source for government security

The next PSIG meeting is June 11th
From: Canberra Linux Users Group, CLUG, 2009
- Bob Edwards
- Talk
Bob will be talking about programming systems to interface with the Yubikey.
During this presentation, Bob will be demonstrating:
- how a yubikey works
- how to reprogram a yubikey with your own AES 128-bit key and IDs
- an open source server he has written in C to authenticate yubikeys
- how to add yubikey authentication to a web site and to SSH (via PAM)
The yubikey server C code will be examined demonstrating
principles of:
- connecting to and querying a PostgreSQL database
- authenticating via Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
- emulating an LDAP servers bind method
- performing Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communications
- other C stuff (logging errors etc., parsing a config file, going into daemon mode, avoiding global variables and gotos - just because, etc.)
All constructive criticism eagerly welcomed... (except for those saying "I could do that in 3 lines of Python...")
Any experts on autoconf/automake configuration especially welcome...
Labels: Australian Government, Security, Yubikey
The slides are available from Bob Edwards talk: "Yubikeys in the Enterprise".
Also there is a discussion of security using such devices in the Canberra Lunux Mailing list.
June 12, 2009 4:12 PM
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