Sustainable education with open source and smartphones at Google Sydney
Fri 31 July: SLUG monthly meeting
2009-07-31 18:302009-07-31 20:30Etc/GMT+10General TalkGoogle Sydney, Level 5, 48 Pirrama Road, PyrmontTom Worthington: Learning to lower costs and carbon emissions with ICT
Tom designed the first globally accredited course on Green ICT and has been teaching it via the web since January 2009. The talk will discuss how ICT can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 15% by 2020. Also outlined is how to use the web for running formal, university accredited courses using free open source software with open access content delivered to smartphones. The Istanbul public transport system also gets a mention. ;-)
See Tom's Web site for more information.
Tom runs green IT courses at ANU and ACS. You can read the free open access version here.
In-Depth Talk
TBAMeeting Schedule
See here for an explanation of the segments.
- 18.15: Open Doors
- 18.30: Announcements, News, Introductions
- 18.45: General Talk
- 19.30: Intermission
- 19.45: Split into two groups for:
- In-Depth Talk
- SLUGlets
- 20.30: Dinner
Dinner this month will be held locally, not at Golden Harbour as originally planned. Details are TBA.
We will be taking numbers at the beginning of the meeting. If you have any particular dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian), let us know beforehand. Dinner is a great way to socialise and learn in a relaxed atmosphere :)
General discussion and Q&A about Linux, free software and open source.
Labels: e-Learning, Google, Green IT, linux, Sydney
it's a very interesting theme. unfortuntely i can't intend the seminar but wish having some echoes.
July 20, 2009 7:49 PM
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