Environmental Assessment of a IT Intensive Building
You are welcome to attend this seminar on "An Environmental Assessment of the SoCS at CSIT North". Several Green ICT Sustainability students are doing similar assessments of other buildings on the ANU Campus. The results will then be combined to provide an overall report of the campus. This will likely be the most detailed such student ever undertaken of a university campus:
An Environmental Assessment of the SoCS at CSIT North
Gong Lu and Soraya Nour (ANU)
DATE: 2009-08-21
TIME: 16:00:00 - 16:30:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101
Part of ANUgreen's Sustainability @ Work Program is to conduct environmental audits of workplaces around the campus. Over June and July 2009, the two speakers conducted an audit of the School of Computer Science at the CSIT North Building. In this seminar, they will report on the results of their audit. After describing the methodology for the audit, they will detail their findings in the main areas of the audit: energy & IT, water, transport, waste, purchasing & paper, and pollution prevention. In each area, they will give recommendations for improving the sustainability of SoCS at CSIT North
Gong Lu and Soraya Nour are volunteer undergraduates at the ANU who are participating in the Sustainability @ Work program.
Labels: ANU School of Computer Science, Green IT, Green IT Strategies Course
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