Designing Smart Grids to Reduce Carbon Emmissions
This talk presents coordinated control design for power systems in general and introduces the recently popular concept of ‘smart grid’, which is shaping up as the future for control evolution in power systems.Power systems are highly nonlinear structured systems with multiple control objectives, which mainly include regulation of voltages and frequency, damping oscillations adequately and preserving synchronism in face of large disturbances. However, traditional power system controllers are installed in power system to serve a single objective and different control objectives may conflict with each other with increasingly stressed stability margin.
This talk introduces a coordinated control framework which enables different approaches aiming to solve the conflicting control problems. The first control design coordinates various control actions and objectives over wide ranges of operating states based on the global control structure and modern control techniques; another approach proposes an adaptive coordinated control from a viewpoint of global control performance in consideration of transient stability, voltage security assessment and small signal stability.
To deal with environmental concerns and high penetration of renewable generation, The ‘smart grid’ has become a popular concept for future power systems. This talk will summarize different smart grid proposals; emphasize on Information Technologies application and analyses how power system control will be influenced.
Dr. Guohua Zhang received her B.E. and M.E. in Electrical Engineering from North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China in 1998 and 2001, respectively, and the Ph. D. degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2007. She is now working with Prof. David J. Hill in Department of Information Engineering, the Australian National University. Her research interests are in power system control, renewable energy and smart grid. ...From: Coordinated Control Design for Power Systems and Smart Grid, CECS, ANU, 2009
Labels: Green IT, smart grids, sustainable development
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