e-Book on Research Integration

As to the content, these are techniques which could be applied from areas ranging from planning what sort of weapons systems to buy, to how to deal with natural disasters. I have used such automated tools at the Defence Department in considering systems and the Sahana open source disaster management system project is planning to incorporate Large Groups Making Decisions In Extreme Events.
University Co-operative Bookshop Limited
The ANU Co-op Bookshop and the ANU E Press wish to invite you to
the launch of David McDonald, Gabriele Bammer & Peter Deane’s book
Research Integration Using Dialogue Methods.
Date: Thursday, 26th November 2009
Time: 5pm for a 5:30pm start
Location: The Co-op Bookshop, Bldg 17, Union Court, Canberra, ACT 0200
The book will be launched by Professor Ted Lefroy, Director of the Centre for Environment at the University of Tasmania. Ted is also a Director of Land & Water Australia.
Dr Michael Robinson, CEO of Land & Water Australia, will officiate.
The launch is co-sponsored by Land & Water Australia and the Drug Policy Modelling Program, which funded the research underpinning the book.
RSVP: anu@coop-bookshop.com.au or (02) 6249 6244 by 24th November 2009.
Colleagues & guests welcome. Refreshments will be served.
Research Integration Using Dialogue Methods
Research Integration Using Dialogue Methods
David McDonald, Gabriele Bammer, Peter Deane
ISBN 9781921536748 $24.95 (GST inclusive)
ISBN 9781921536755 (Online)
Published August 2009Research on real-world problems—like restoration of wetlands, the needs of the elderly, effective disaster response and the future of the airline industry—requires expert knowledge from a range of disciplines, as well as from stakeholders affected by the problem and those in a position to do something about it. This book charts new territory in taking a systematic approach to research integration using dialogue methods to bring together multiple perspectives. It links specific dialogue methods to particular research integration tasks.
Fourteen dialogue methods for research integration are classified into two groups:
1. Dialogue methods for understanding a problem broadly: integrating judgements
2. Dialogue methods for understanding particular aspects of a problem: integrating visions, world views, interests and values.
The methods are illustrated by case studies from four research areas: the environment, public health, security and technological innovation.
Table of Contents
- List of Tables
- Acknowledgments and author contributions
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Using the dialogue methods in this book
- Identifying and classifying the dialogue methods
- I. Dialogue methods for understanding a problem broadly: integrating judgments:
- II. Dialogue methods for understanding particular aspects of a problem: integrating visions, world views, interests and values:
- Applying the dialogue methods in this book
- Flexibility
- Preparing to use a dialogue method
- Areas not covered in this book
- How to read this book
- 3. Dialogue methods for understanding a problem broadly: integrating judgments
- Citizens’ jury
- Consensus conference
- Consensus development panel
- Delphi technique
- Future search conference
- Most significant change technique
- Nominal group technique
- Open space technology
- Scenario planning
- Soft systems methodology
- 4. Dialogue methods for understanding particular aspects of a problem
- Introduction
- Integrating visions
- Integrating world views
- Integrating interests
- Integrating values
- Appreciative inquiry: integrating visions
- Strategic assumption surfacing and testing: integrating world views
- Principled negotiation: integrating interests
- Ethical matrix: integrating values
- 5. Differentiating between the dialogue methods
- Comments
- 6. Conclusions
- Learning from failure
- Other research areas
- An invitation to contribute
- Appendix 1
- Gabriele Bammer
- Rationale for developing I2S
- The four cornerstones of I2S
- Focusing on integrating disciplinary and practice (stakeholder) knowledge
- Conclusion
- Appendix 2
- Tool kits that include dialogue methods
- Appendix 3
- References
Chapter 1: Introduction
Research integration is the process of improving the understanding of real-world problems by synthesising relevant knowledge from diverse disciplines and stakeholders. Methods for undertaking research integration have not, however, been well developed or explained. Here, we show how 14 methods developed for dialogue can be useful for research integration. What makes this book unique is that we tease apart components of research integration and match them to particular methods.
Research integration is essential for effectively investigating real-world problems. Such investigation requires bringing together the insights of different disciplines. For example, examination of the impacts of the encroachment of housing on farm and bushland on the fringes of cities can benefit from the expertise of ecologists, economists, hydrologists, sociologists, soil scientists, demographers and so on. Similarly, to comprehensively model the impact of the covert release of an infectious disease agent on a major city requires input from, among others, communicable disease epidemiologists, statistical modellers, urban geographers, psychologists and legal experts....
From:Research Integration Using Dialogue Methods, byDavid McDonald, Gabriele Bammer & Peter Deane, ANU Press, 2009
Labels: ANU, ebook, environment
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