Thursday, December 03, 2009

Planning the Future of IT Higher Education in Austrlaia

Greetings from the Australian National University, School of Computer Science retreat taking place near Canberra. Twenty nine people are spending two days working out where to take research and teaching in information and communications technology. In the afternoon I will be talking about "Forums and Feedback for e-Learning". The issued to be discussed are very much along the lines Professor Paul Ramsden, was discussing yesterday.

So far some issues were how to keep an emphasis on research (the ANU being a leader in the field) and how this could be combined with education. The classic way to do this is to have excellent postgraduate researchers and have them do the teaching. Another topic was masters by coursework. This particularly interests me as my Green ICT course is part of the ANU Graduate Studies Select program, which allows students to choose from subjects across the university disciplines (and some other universities), including online courses.

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