Green ICT Capability Maturity Framework
The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) and the School of Business Information Technology of RMIT University are conducting a Green ICT Capability Survey. This is part of developing what is named the "Green ICT Capability Maturity Framework". This idea is presumably derived from the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) developed by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), although RMIT do not appear to acknowledge this. RMIT are asking Australian businesses about their current capabilities with Green IT. Presumably independent assessment might come later. I filled out the survey and I expect my micro-business will rate well, as I was commissioned to write a Green IT course. which is now offered to students of eight universities, including RMIT University.
Labels: AIIA, Green IT, RMIT, sustainable development
RMIT have taken me to task for this, so I did some web searches and found "ICT Capability Maturity Framework" and "Sustainable ICT Capability Maturity Framework" are from Martin Curley at Intel.
January 13, 2010 10:13 AM
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