Green ICT Course Available to UNSW Students
My "Green ICT Strategies" course (COMP7310) is now available to students in the Master of Information Technology and Graduate Diploma in Information at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales. The SCE UNSW Student Office has advised that their students can undertake the course as a free elective.
The paperwork for this is a bit complicated, but UNSW international students enrol at ANU as non-award, and local students as Cross-Institutional, using the same application form.
Students interested in doing the Green ICT Strategies course at ANU should contact CSE UNSW Postgraduate Office for approval to count the course as a free elective in their program.
Other universities may wish to also offer the course to their students. The course is open to business, law, humanities and science students, as well as engineering and IT.
The paperwork for this is a bit complicated, but UNSW international students enrol at ANU as non-award, and local students as Cross-Institutional, using the same application form.
Students interested in doing the Green ICT Strategies course at ANU should contact CSE UNSW Postgraduate Office for approval to count the course as a free elective in their program.
Other universities may wish to also offer the course to their students. The course is open to business, law, humanities and science students, as well as engineering and IT.
Labels: ANU, Green IT Strategies Course, UNSW