Electronic Document and Records Management
These are the notes for the course Electronic Document and Records Management, originally prepared for the Australian National University, February 2011 by Tom Worthington. A free open source copy of these notes is available at: http://www..tomw.net.au/emanagement
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Electronic Data Management
- Information management
- Information content publishing
- Business analysis
- Electronic Document Formats
- Citizen-centric services: Social Networking/Web 2.0/Gov 2.0
- Workload
- Assessment
It is intended to revise the material and expand it from a six to a twelve week full semester course concentrating on e-government social networking for public servants. Collaboration academia, government agencies and private industry would be welcome (thanks to Dr James Popple, Australian FOI Commissioner, for help with the first version of the course). The revised course would be available late 2011 or early 2012.

Electronic Document and Records Management by Tom Worthington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License.