The Internet for Information Professionals
- Note: These are the "slides" of the talk, intended for display to
an audience in 18 point font on a 640 x 480 video display. The text is also available.
- Special Adviser for Internet/Intranet Policy, Defence
- Immediate Past President of the ACS.
- Member of: ACS, ACM, Internet Society, IEEE-CS & SA Council.
- One of the 10 most influential IT&T people in
- Work since 1994 on the policy and practice of the Internet
- Including appearances before three Senate hearings
- First home pages for: Defence, ACT Government, SBS, AIIA & NPC.
- IT don't know how to use IT to communicate to people
- This is is a surmon on how professionals can use the Internet
- The 'net is my primary policy tool at Defence & ACS
- Many people have trouble with this new medium
- information professionals need to set an example
- you are accountable for your actions in cyberspace
- The basic tool of the Internet
- There are many people to communicate (or not) with
- e-mail will be the way many people know you
- e-mail can enhance or destroy professional reputation
- Groupware: register interest & discuss the topic
- Usenet News ("news"), automated mailing lists & web discussion groups
- Same tools for workplace and to clients, as well as for public
- May not need expensive proprietary groupware
- Save on letters, faxes and meetings using the Internet
- Before posting: is it relevant, targeted, and unobjectionable?
- If someone objects:
- See if others object
- Apologise if wrong
- Take the argument off line
- Check the facilities
- Master e-mail & news before the web
- The web adds storage, formatting, hypertext & standard UI
- Problems of volume, permanency and complexity
- Apply simple information management techniques
- Check URL: is it complete & plausible?
- Check heahers and footers
- Check author, sponsor, date and refering links
- Check source code comments & meta-data tags
- Some legitimate pages are at odd locations: Canberra Tourism, ACT Government, SBS &
- Try specialised search engines), search syntax and meta-data
- Turn off graphics
- Obtain the content: hardest part in the process
- Convert it to web format,
- Upload it,
- Announce it,
- Monitor usage and make corrections.
- Internet Videoconferencing:
- Dial-up Internet adequate for discussion & remote presentation
- Narrow-bandwidth ITU-T "H-Series
- audio, video, shared white-board & remote application display
- digital "slides" & audio
- Digital Certificates
The Internet is a new medium
needs a new form of literacy
Professionals must demonstrate competence
The Internet is worth using for routine communication
Professionals need to learn their skills