To: ACS Members
From: Tom Worthington MACS
re: Request for support for election as ACS President or Vice-President
I wrote 11 September 1995:
This is to request your support for my election as President ... Your Branch's representative will be voting on these positions at the ACS National Council meeting 22 September.
Thank you for your support. I was elected president for 1996.
Tom Worthington MACS
22 September 1995
Announcement from ACS National:
New Executive for 1996
A meeting of the ACS National Council on the eve of ITWorld95 has voted in a new President and Vice-President for 1996-97.Tom Worthington, Deputy-Director, Information Management Strategic Planning with the Australian Department of Defence, and Director of the ACS Community services Board, has been voted President-elect. Denis Street, Victorian Branch Treasurer and coordinator of the ACS Towards 2000 Implementation Group, is the new Vice-President-elect.
Both men will assume their new responsibilities from 1st January 1996, with Mr Worthington replacing current President, Garry Trinder, and Mr Street taking over from John Manders, one of two current Vice-Presidents. The other Vice-President, Prins Ralston, will continue in this role until his term concludes at the end of next year.
In addition, Andrew Freeman, a member of the ACS Canberra Branch Executive, has been elected the new Director of the Community Services Board, a position Mr Worthington will vacate when he begins his term as President.
Mr Worthington said he is keen to promote the ACS more actively, seeking to find a balance between internal organisational issues and external, market-focused activities.
"Many IT professionals spend too long in closed rooms. IT now affects so many facets of our lives and is of interest to the whole community. It is time for the ACS to go out and demonstrate to business, government and society at large just how relevant we are," he said.
Further Information