Dublin Core metadata description with HTML 4.0 Meta-tags for the Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) introduction document:
<META NAME="DC.Identifier" SCHEME="URI" CONTENT="http://www.naa.gov.au/recordkeeping/gov_online/agls/summary.html"> <META NAME="DC.Creator" CONTENT="corporateName: National Archives of Australia"> <META NAME="DC.Rights" CONTENT="Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2000"> <META NAME="DC.Title" CONTENT="Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) introduction"> <META NAME="DC.Subject" CONTENT="information management; information retrieval; business records"> <META NAME="DC.Description" CONTENT="This page provides access to information about AGLS, including the AGLS manual and advice on implementing AGLS for Commonwealth agencies."> <META NAME="DC.Language" CONTENT="en"> <META NAME="DC.Coverage" CONTENT="Australia"> <META NAME="DC.Date.created" CONTENT="30/3/00">
Use DSTC's Reggie metadata tool to create AGLS metadata for the above. Add at least one AGLS qualifier (such as a Scheme) to refine the semantics of the element set. Save the metadata in both HTML 4.0 and RDF formats.
<META NAME="DC.Creator" LANG="en" CONTENT="National Archives of Australia"> <META NAME="DC.Publisher.CorporateName" LANG="en" CONTENT="National Archives of Australia"> <META NAME="DC.Rights" LANG="en" CONTENT="Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia 2000"> <META NAME="DC.Title" LANG="en" CONTENT="Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) Introduction"> <META NAME="DC.Subject" LANG="en" CONTENT="Information Management"> <META NAME="DC.Subject" LANG="en" CONTENT="Information Retrival"> <META NAME="DC.Subject" LANG="en" CONTENT="Business Records"> <META NAME="DC.Description" LANG="en" CONTENT="This page provides access information about AGLS, including the AGLS manual and advice on implementing AGLS for Commonwleath agencies."> <META NAME="DC.Language" LANG="en" CONTENT="English"> <META NAME="DC.Coverage" LANG="en" CONTENT="Australia"> <META NAME="DC.Date.Created" SCHEME="ISO8601" LANG="en" CONTENT="2000-03-30">
RDF Metadata
<?xml version = "1.0"?> <RDF xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-rdf-syntax-19990222#" xmlns:DC = "http://metadata.net/dstc/DC-10-EN/#" xmlns:AGLS = "http://metadata.net/dstc/AGLS/#"> <Description xml:lang="en"> <DC:Creator> National Archives of Australia </DC:Creator> <DC:Publisher.CorporateName> National Archives of Australia </DC:Publisher.CorporateName> <DC:Rights> Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia 2000 </DC:Rights> <DC:Title> Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) Introduction </DC:Title> <DC:Subject> <Bag> <li>Information Management</li> <li>Information Retrival</li> <li>Business Records</li> </Bag> </DC:Subject> <DC:Description> This page provides access information about AGLS, including the AGLS manual and advice on implementing AGLS for Commonwleath agencies. </DC:Description> <DC:Language> English </DC:Language> <DC:Coverage> Australia </DC:Coverage> <DC:Date.Created DC:Scheme="ISO8601"> 2000-03-30 </DC:Date.Created> </Description> </RDF>
Compare the metadata generated with that in the actual document URL: http://www.naa.gov.au/recordkeeping/gov_online/agls/summary.html
The actual document has one "subject" metadata statement, with items separaetd by semicolins. Reggie generated a separate statement for each subject item.
Correct the syntax error in "App. 5.1: BEP Metadata Elements in HTML 4.0" of the Business Entry Point's Metadata Specification.
Items have an extra close bracket ">" after the scheme, which should be deleted.
Write an order in EDIFACT XML format for the following using the supplied DTD:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Order SYSTEM "http://www.e-centre.org.uk/SIMPL-EDI/DTDS/Order.dtd"> <Order> <MessageID>128576</MessageID> <Date>19980912</Date> <RefersTo DocType="ContractNo" DocID="652744" Line="112"/> <Buyer> <EAN>5012345678900</EAN> </Buyer> <Supplier> <EAN>6012345678900</EAN> </Supplier> <OtherParty Role="Carrier"> <EAN>7012345678900</EAN> </OtherParty> <OtherParty Role="DeliverTo"> <Name>The SGML Centre</Name> <AddressLine>29 Oldbury Orchard</AddressLine> <AddressLine>Churchdown</AddressLine> <AddressLine>Glos. GL3 2PU</AddressLine> </OtherParty> <Item> <ItemID>8012345678900</ItemID> <Quantity>90</Quantity> <Deliver>19981012</Deliver> <Quantity>60</Quantity> <Deliver>19981015</Deliver> </Item> <Item> <ItemID>9012345678900</ItemID> <ItemDescription>Readi-Mixed Cement, Grade 2</ItemDescription> <Quantity Units="KGM">900</Quantity> <Deliver Format="DateTime">199810120930</Deliver> </Item> </Order>
This DTD is defined using English names. How easy it is to interpret this, compared to one with the one defined for the same message type, but using the EDIFACT standard codes?
Use of words such as "Date", rather than codes such as "DTM1" (Date of message ) is more understandable by a person who can read English. However, the EDIFACT XML syntax is complex for a human reader and so this is of limited utility. It is unlikely that users would be able to compose syntactically correct transactions by hand, or be able to read them. Also non-English readers may find the EDIFACT acronyms more readable than English words. The acronyms are slightly shorter making the transactions slightly more efficient.
Solve the The Eighteen Character Problem by defining an XML DTD for a Remittance Advice, drawing on existing international standard document definitions (eg UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12). The electronic remittance advice must be able to be displayed using a browser, so it can be rendered in a human readable format on paper, as well as by electronic transmission.
Mr Tracy Dann, Manager, Electronic Commerce, Office for Government Online will report on progress toward standard content of a remittance advice to accompany government electronic payment to suppliers in the lecture on Monday 23 October.
What elements have been added to the AGLS metadata to form the Commonwealth recordkeeping metadata set? Why?
Answer: Section 6.5 of the Recordkeeping Metadata Standard for Commonwealth Agencies .
The front part of the thesis "THE PERSONAL COMPUTER AND THE PUBLIC LIBRARY" is 745.5 kbytes, which is large for a 13 page text-only document Why is the document so large? What PDF options could be used to reduce the size and improve readability?
The document uses a black and white bitmap to display each page:
<< /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /Im1 /Width 2464 /Height 3488 /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode /ColorSpace /DeviceGray /Length 70 0 R >>
Each page is 2464 x 3488 pixels, or 300 dots per inch on an A4 page. This requires approximately 1 Mbytes per page uncompressed. This appears to be a document created using "Retrospective Conversion" (ADT 1997). With this process the thesis was scanned from a printed copy with only the abstract and metadata typed in as text.
Options for reducing the size of the file and improving readability would be:
Straightening the scanned text: The text of the image file appears to be skewed a few degrees from the horizontal. If straightened (preferably by re-scanning) the horizontal and vertical elements of the characters would be less jagged, making the text easier to read and reducing the compressed file size (by improving the run length encoding compression algorithm used by PDF)..
Replacing the image with text: This would require conversion of the image to text or replacement with a text original. Image conversion would be a labour intensive process requiring correction of conversion errors.
Not embedding fonts: The Adobe Acrobat settings recommended (ADT 1997b) for the document are to "Embed All Fonts". This is intended so that the PDF version will look as close to original as possible. However, this requires font information to be included in the document, increasing size.
ADT (1997) "Retrospective Conversion", Australian Digital Theses Program, UNSW Library, URL: http://www.library.unsw.edu.au/thesis/adt-ADT/info/retro.html
Run the Bobby automated test tool to see if the Department of Computer Science home page conforms to standards. What changes are needed to comply with recommendations World Wide Web access, from the use of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission?
Bobby report appended. The web page did not meet the requirements for accessibility, due to one Priority 1 accessibility error found:
Provide alternative text for all images. (2 instances)
Line 70: <TD VALIGN='TOP'><IMG SRC="img/front/bit2.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=36 HEIGHT=81></TD>
Line 72: <TD VALIGN='TOP'><IMG SRC="img/front/bit4.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=33 HEIGHT=81></TD>
These images are part of the background pattern of the page and do not require explanatory text. To avoid them causing confusion to non-text readers a blank alternative text option needs to be added to each IMG statement: ALT="".
URL tested: http://cs.anu.edu.au/,
August 17, 2000 11:10:39 PM EDT
Bobby Core v3.2, WAI
Guidelines 1999/05/05
The Bobby report presents an accessibility evaluation grouped by the three priority levels defined by the Web Access Initiative (WAI), as well as browser compatibility and download statistics. As an automated evaluation tool, Bobby is able to detect many accessibility problems and to highlight other possible problems that must be checked. A "Bobby" hat in the original page (if displayed) indicates that Bobby was able to detect a Priority 1 problem with accessibility. A question mark indicates a Priority 1 item that needs to be checked by the user. Follow the links provided in the report to get details about any problem reported, including how to repair it, if needed. For more information on the report, please access our online documentation.
To be Bobby Approved, a page must pass all of the Priority 1 accessibility checkpoints established by the WAI.
Priority 1 Accessibility | User Checks | | Priority 2 Accessibility | User Checks | | Priority 3 Accessibility | User Checks | | Browser Compatibility Errors | Download Time
This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby Approved status. Below is a list of 1 Priority 1 accessibility errors found:
alternative text for all images. (2 instances)
70: <TD VALIGN='TOP'><IMG SRC="img/front/bit2.gif"
Line 72: <TD
VALIGN='TOP'><IMG SRC="img/front/bit4.gif"
User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine whether they apply. Bobby Approval requires that none of them apply to your page. Please review these 5 item(s):
Provide alternative content for each SCRIPT that conveys important information or functionality.
If you use color to convey information, make sure the information is also represented another way.
The following 4 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby Approved status.
This page does not yet meet the requirements for Bobby Approved status.
Bobby Approved status is assigned on the basis of Priority 1 items in the Web Content Guidelines. For a higher level of accessibility you may also want to examine Priority 2 and Priority 3 items. 3 Priority 2 issue(s) that Bobby has identified are presented below.
use of deprecated language features if possible. (10
Line 92: <FONT FACE="Verdana,
Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=-1>
Line 98: <FONT
FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
Line 100:
<FONT SIZE=-1>General information, including contact
details, for the Department of Computer Science.</FONT><P>
Line 107: <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial,
Line 110: <FONT FACE="Verdana,
Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2"><BR>
111: <FONT FACE='Verdana, Helvetica, MS Sans Serif'
Line 117: <FONT SIZE="-1">Wondering
what the ANU's Department of Computer Science can offer you?
Information about our wide range of undergraduate courses and
excellent facilities.</FONT><P>
Line 119:
<FONT SIZE="-1">Beyond undergraduate education,
the Department is involved in a wide range of research
Line 121: <FONT
SIZE="-1">Information about the people behind the
Department of Computer Science.</FONT><P>
131: <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"
6 Priority 2 issue(s) that Bobby has identified are presented below:
Check that the foreground and background colors contrast sufficiently with each other.
The following 8 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility.
Offer a site map or table of contents, and provide a description of the general layout of the site, the access features used, and how to use them.
Make sure your document validates to formal published grammars.
Where it's possible to mark up content (for example mathematical equations) instead of using images, use a markup language (such as MathML).
Ensure that dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternate presentation or page.
Use the latest technology specification available whenever possible.
Use metadata to add computer-understandable information about the page.
Bobby Approved status is assigned on the basis of Priority 1 items in the Web Content Guidelines. For a higher level of accessibility you may also want to examine Priority 2 and Priority 3 items. 3 Priority 3 issue(s) that Bobby has identified are presented below.
image map anu1.map
contains a link
not presented elsewhere on the
page. (1 instance)
Line 59: <AREA
SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="190,7,283,115"
HREF="http://www.anu.edu.au/" ALT="ANU Homepage">
4 Priority 3 issue(s) that Bobby has identified are presented below:
Consider adding keyboard shortcuts to frequently used links.
Specify a logical tab order among form controls, links and objects.
a linear text alternative for tables that lay out content in
parallel, word-wrapped columns. (2 instances)
88: <TABLE WIDTH=530>
The following 9 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility.
Offer different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences.
Provide a link at the beginning of a group of related links to bypass the group.
Offer navigation bars for easy access to the navigation structure.
Use icons or graphics (with accessible alternatives) to facilitate comprehension of the page.
Use the ABBR and ACRONYM elements to denote and expand abbreviations and acronyms.
Place distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.
The following section contains a list of 7 browser compatibility errors. Browser compatibility errors help to determine when HTML tags and their attributes are not compatible with certain web browsers or HTML specifications. Browser compatibility errors do not affect the accessibility rating of a page.
is missing from tag SCRIPT
for browser(s): HTML4.0 (2 instances)LEFTMARGIN
in element BODY
for browser(s): HTML4.0 (1 instance)MARGINWIDTH
in element BODY
for browser(s): HTML4.0 (1 instance)ALT
is missing from tag IMG
for browser(s): HTML4.0 (2 instances)MARGINHEIGHT
in element BODY
for browser(s): HTML4.0 (1 instance)TOPMARGIN
in element BODY
. for
browser(s): HTML4.0 (1 instance)Unknown
element name !DOCTYPE
for browser(s): HTML4.0 (1
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
The following three-column table gives download time statistics for the images, applets, and objects on this page. The first column contains the URL of each item, the second column the item size in kilobytes, and the third column the approximate download time for each item when using a 28,800 baud modem. At the end of the report, an arbitrary delay of 0.5 seconds is added for each file to account for slow-downs caused by HTTP connection times.
Size |
Time (secs) |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/ |
5.44 K |
1.51 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/pixel_black.gif |
0.04 K |
0.01 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit1_off.gif |
1.74 K |
0.48 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit2.gif |
0.87 K |
0.24 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit3_off.gif |
2.60 K |
0.72 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit4.gif |
1.34 K |
0.37 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit5_off.gif |
3.69 K |
1.03 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit6.gif |
8.42 K |
2.34 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit7.gif |
4.83 K |
1.34 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/bit8.gif |
0.21 K |
0.06 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/pixel_empty.gif |
0.16 K |
0.05 |
http://cs.anu.edu.au/img/front/csfront.gif |
31.99 K |
8.89 |
Total |
61.33 K |
17.04 |
HTTP Request Delays |
-- |
6.00 |
Total + Delays |
-- |
23.04 |
Tom Worthington 7 August 2000.