Australian National University

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology


Information Technology in Electronic Commerce 2001

Tutorial 3 - Metadata

The aim of this tutorial is to get you familiar with Metadata and Electronic Document Management. You can attempt these in your assigned tut/lab time, or at a time convenient to you. You are encouraged to discuss the questions, and solutions to them, with your fellow students. Sample solutions, or leads to solutions, will be provided at a later date. You are also strongly encouraged to initiate discussions on the newsgroup if you get stuck. You can also send email to A reply will either be sent to you, or will be posted to the newsgroup (if the same question is asked by many students). Any feedback is always welcome.

You can use the Mozilla browser to view Metadata and XML material. You need to log on to challender for this to work. For both browsers, set the HTTP proxy (in manual mode) to with the port number being 80.


  1. Write a Dublin Core metadata description with HTML 4.0 Meta-tags for the for a document that stores the following information:

    URL: http: //

    Creator: National Archives of Australia

    Rights: Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2000

    Title: Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) introduction

    Subject: information management; information retrieval; business records

    Description: This page provides access to information about AGLS, including the AGLS manual and advice on implementing AGLS for Commonwealth agencies.

    Language: English

    Coverage: Australia

    Date.created: 30/03/00

  2. Use DSTC's Reg or Reggie metadata tools to create AGLS metadata for the above. Add at least one AGLS qualifier (such as a Scheme) to refine the semantics of the element set. Save the metadata in both HTML 4.0 and RDF formats.

  3. Compare the metadata generated with that in the actual document URL: http: //

  4. Write an order in EDIFACT XML format for the following using the supplied DTD:
    Message: 128576
    Date: 12 September 1998
    ContractNo: 652744 Line = 112
    Buyer (EAN): 5012345678900
    Supplier (EAN): 6012345678900
    Carrier: 7012345678900
    DeliverTo: The SGML Centre
    Address: 29 Oldbury Orchard
    Glos. GL3 2PU
    ID: 8012345678900
    Quantity: 90 on 12 October 1998
    Quantity: 60 on 15 October 1998
    ItemID: 9012345678900
    Description: Readi-Mixed Cement, Grade 2
    Quantity 900 KGM"

    The document type definition for this message is:

    <!-- XML DTD for Simple EDI Orders -->
    <!-- XML Document Type Definition created by The SGML Centre
         Generated: September 1998
    <!-- Note: Attributes with FIXED values should not be used in messages.
               Such attributes are provided in the DTD simply to record the
               mapping between XML and EDIFACT versions of orders.
    <!ELEMENT Order           (MessageID, Date+, RefersTo*,
                               Buyer, Supplier, OtherParty+, Item+) >
    <!ATTLIST Order
              xmlns                CDATA   #FIXED         ""
              xmlns:UN-EDIFACT     CDATA   #FIXED         ""
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED         "UNH"
              SequenceNo           CDATA                  #IMPLIED
              UN-ID                CDATA   #FIXED         "ORDERS:D:96A:UN:SIMP01">
    <!ELEMENT MessageID       (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST MessageID
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "BGM"
              MessageType          (Order|Deliver|
                                    Treatment)             "Order"
              Agency               CDATA   #FIXED          "GB, Article Number
                                                            Association (UK) Ltd"
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"                >
    <!ELEMENT Date            (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST Date
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "DTM"
              Of                   (Document|Delivery|
                                    Unfulfilled)           "Document"
              Format               (Date|Period)           "Date"
              MaxOccurs            CDATA   #FIXED          "3"
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"               >
    <!ELEMENT RefersTo        EMPTY >
    <!ATTLIST RefersTo
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "RFF"
              DocType              (ContractNo|RefNo|
                                    BlanketOrderNo)        #REQUIRED
              DocID                CDATA                   #REQUIRED
              Line                 CDATA                   #IMPLIED
              MaxOccurs            CDATA   #FIXED          "10"                   >
    <!ELEMENT Buyer           (EAN, Name?, AddressLine*) >
    <!ATTLIST Buyer
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "NAD"
              Role                 (BY)    #FIXED          "BY"
              Agency               CDATA   #FIXED          "EAN"                  >
    <!ELEMENT Supplier        (EAN, Name?, AddressLine*) >
    <!ATTLIST Supplier
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "NAD"
              Role                 (SU)    #FIXED          "SU"
              Agency               CDATA   #FIXED          "EAN"                  >
    <!ELEMENT OtherParty       ((EAN, Name?, AddressLine*)|
                                (Name, AddressLine+))       >
    <!ATTLIST OtherParty
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "NAD"
              Role                (Carrier|ShipFrom|
                                    DeliverTo|Invoicee)    #REQUIRED
              Agency               CDATA   #FIXED          "EAN"
              MaxOccurs            CDATA   #FIXED          "97"                   >
    <!ELEMENT EAN             (#PCDATA) >
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"               >
    <!ELEMENT Name            (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST Name
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"               >
    <!ELEMENT AddressLine     (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST AddressLine
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"               >
    <!ELEMENT Item            (ItemID, ItemDescription?,
                                ((Quantity, Deliver?)+|Deliver)?) >
    <!ATTLIST Item
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "LIN"
              LineNo               CDATA                   #IMPLIED
              MaxOccurs            CDATA   #FIXED          "200000"               >
    <!ELEMENT ItemID          (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST ItemID
              CodeType             (EAN|UPC|BuyersItemNo|
                                    SuppliersArticleNo)    "EAN"
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"               >
    <!ELEMENT ItemDescription  (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST ItemDescription
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..70"               >
    <!ELEMENT Quantity        (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST Quantity
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "QTY"
              Type                 CDATA   #FIXED          "OrderedQuantity"
              Units                CDATA                   #IMPLIED
              MaxOccurs            CDATA   #FIXED          "10"
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..15"               >
    <!ELEMENT Deliver         (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST Deliver
              UN-EDIFACT:Prefix    CDATA   #FIXED          "DTM"
              Type                 CDATA   #FIXED          "DeliveryDate"
              Format               (Date|DateTime|Period)  "Date"
              Constraints          CDATA   #FIXED          "an..35"               >
  5. Electronic Document Management

  6. What elements have been added to the AGLS metadata to form the Commonwealth recordkeeping metadata set? Why?

    Digital Library

  7. The front part of the thesis " THE PERSONAL COMPUTER AND THE PUBLIC LIBRARY: A STUDY OF THE ABSORPTION OF NEW TECHNOLOGY AND AN ANALYSIS OF LIBRARIAN'S OPINIONS ABOUT THE PRESENT AND FUTURE IMPACT ON AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC LIBRARIES" is 745.5 kbytes, which is large for a 13 page text-only document. Why is the document so large? What PDF options could be used to reduce the size and improve readability?

  8. Run the Bobby or WAVE automated test tools to see if the Department of Computer Science home page conforms to standards. What changes are needed to comply with recommendations World Wide Web access, from the use of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission?

    Tom Worthington 13 August 2001.