Dining Car of a Swiss train - Paris - Zurich
The Swiss trains were less sleek looking than the French ones, but the fresh salmon and local wine was excellent.
Zurich has a lake, a tidy town and mountains. Bit like Canberra. My purpose in visiting Zurich was to look at R&O Software's Rochade repository software (Mr. Werner Dreesbach, Managing Director, R&O Software, <100013.3153@compuserve.com>), in use by one of their customers. The customer is a large Swiss bank. I visited th bank's Data Administration area to look at their use of repositiory software. A very efficient operation with similar problems and solutions to my own work in Canberra.
After visiting the bank I checked my mail at Zurich University, courtesy of Christian Beglinger
At this point I discovered I had written an academic paper.
"draft of vision for a network nation"