Australian Computer Society
World Net Workshop:
Going beyond the Internet and Web to build the Global Network
A half-day workshop for IFIP'96, morning of Friday 6 September 1996, Canberra
The workshop will informally address issues of use of the Internet
and related technologies by nations and co-ordination of efforts for a
better world infrastructure. The Australian Computer Society
has issued an invitation to the heads of the
world's IT societies to attend.
It will form part of the
14th World Computer Congress (IFIP96). The workshop
is expected to be followed by more formal meetings later in the year to
discuss the construction of a global infrastructure by IT societies for
improvement of use of the Internet.
The World Networking Workshop is part of IFIP'96. Cost and registration
details are available from the Congress secretariat.
Tom Worthington is National President of the Australian Computer Society and
Deputy Director, Information management Planning, Australian Department of
Defence. Tom is co-author of the ACS InfoBahn Policy, Defence Web Master
and a member of the government committee preparing an architecture for
access to government information. He has been described by Information Age
magazine as one of the 50 most influential IT&T people in Australia.
With commentary on Australian Telecommunications Regulation, by
Senator Kate Lundy, member of
the Senate References Committee for Environment, Recreation, Communications and
the Arts.
- Coordinated on-line services by IT societies, in support of the international IT profession:
- Electronic academic publishing for the IT discipline,
- Adapting IT work practices to the on-line environment,
- Coordinated international on-line service to IT professionals.
- Assistance to the community with on-line services:
- Global Internet regulation,
- Internet for the third world,
- Assisting on-line commerce,
- Cultural enrichment on-line.
IFIP'96 Congress Secretariat
For booking details contact:
Australian Convention and Travel Services Pty Ltd
GPO Box 2200, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Telephone +61 6 257 3299
Facsimile +61 6 257 3256
See also:
On-line services for IT professionals
Electronic academic publishing for the IT discipline
We must get away from the paper paradigm... a dialogue
Adapting IT work practices to the on-line environment
Today the IT bodies, tomorrow the world...
Future offices will be like bars and coffee shops...
Co-ordinated international on-line service to IT professionals
Assemble a better international body from the components...
Global Internet regulation
Government by the clueless meets the Fifth Estate...
Internet for the third world
Sending bits is cheaper than sending people...
Assisting on-line commerce
How can we make money out of this Internet thing?...
Cultural enrichment on-line
The world's library...