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From: tomw@ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au (Tom Worthington)
Subject: ACS "Data Highway" Launch at National Press Club 17th March
Message-ID: <1994Mar15.073821.7179@sserve.cc.adfa.oz.au>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 07:38:21 GMT
Australian Computer Society - Canberra Branch
ACS "Data Highway" Launch at National Press Club 17th March
On Thursday 17th March 1994 at 7:30 pm at the National Press Club, the Canberra Branch of the Australian Computer Society will officially inaugurate its new Internet service for members. The service will be formally launched by Mr. David Lamont, Member of the ACT Legislative Assembly, representing the ACT Government. The service is designed to provide access to the developing "super data-highway".
The evening's keynote address will be given by Mr. Peter Saalmans, General Manager of the Australian Academic Research Network (AARNet). AARnet links more than 400,000 Australians to the global data network.
The launch will be in the presence of the new ACS National President, Mr. Gary Trinder and the Chief Executive office of the ACS, Professor Ashley Goldsworthy.
Mr. Peter Talty, the Chairman of the Canberra Branch of the Australian Computer Society, welcomed the ACT Government's support for the ACS Internet launch:
"Canberra is truly the data networking capital of Australia. The 17 largest networks in Australia are Canberra based. There is more telecom traffic in and out of Canberra than any other Australian city. The ACS's Canberra members will continue to support the strong growth of IT industries in Canberra and make it a central hub in Australia's data-highways."
On 23 January 1994, Mr. Peter Talty, Chairman of the ACS Canberra Branch, announced that ACS members in Canberra would have full Internet access in March:
"Last year the ACS Canberra Branch started a pilot service to provide electronic mail and news services for members. The demand for this service has been overwhelming.
The ACS Canberra Branch Executive Committee has decided to upgrade the free service to meet the demand from members. Along with the electronic mail and news services members currently have, this will provide on-line access to interactive Internet services.
Canberra members of the ACS can choose to continue with the limited free network service (electronic mail and news). Alternatively they can upgrade to full Internet access for $200 per year.
Services from the full Internet connection will include:
* Easy-to-use menu access to thousands of "Gopher" information
* On-line searches of millions of documents using the Wide Area
Information Service,
* Access to millions of files through File Transfer Protocol,
* Interactive "Telnet" access to tens of thousands of computer
Much has been said about what Australia might do with 'Information Super-Highways'. ACS members must be positioned to make it happen. By providing full Internet access, the ACS has placed its members at the forefront of the fastest developing information technology."
Tom Worthington, Director of the ACS National Community Affairs Board, who will hosting the launch, said:
"On 23 January I issued a national 'Call for Action on Australia's Data Highways' to all ACS members. I proposed we set the goal of providing access to the public data network, to all Australians by 2001. Australia's IT professionals have responded magnificently to this challenge.
In September 1996 the ACS will host the World Computer Congress in Canberra. Thousands of the world's top computer people are expected to attend. In addition many millions will participate, via the public data network.
To celebrate the centenary of Australia's federation and our place in the global electronic community, I propose that the ACS issue a world-wide invitation, to visit Australia in 2001, in person or electronically. This would be sent through the ACS's sister national IT bodies, to all people of all nations."
ACS members and friends, can attend the launch by calling the ACS Canberra Office on ph: 06 2474830. The cost is $40 covers 3-course meal and drinks.
The following day the ACS Canberra Branch will hold its "Software Best Practices" Conference at the National Convention Centre. Further details of the are available from the ACS office.
Press contact:
Tom Worthington, Director of the Community Affairs Board
Australian Computer Society Inc.
G.P.O. Box 446, Canberra A.C.T. 2601, Australia 15 March 1994
Ph: +61 6 2474830 Pager: +61 6 2856209 Fax: +61 6 2496419
Internet: tomw@act.acs.org.au
ABOUT THE ACS: The Australian Computer Society is the professional association in Australia for those in the computing and information technology fields. Established in 1966, the ACS has over 14,000 members and on a per capita basis is one of the largest computer societies in the world. Activities are announced in the Usenet newsgroup "aus.org.acs". Information is available via e-mail from info@acs.org.au or Gopher at URL: gopher://acs-gopher.mit.csu.edu.au:1605/00/acs courtesy of Charles Sturt University.
By Tom Worthington, President of the Australian Computer Society.