- Modular Portable Classroom Design, 28 October 2011
- Smart Apartment: Technology
for the Home
- Design Today
- ePod: Environmentally Sustainable Housing
- Barbecue in an Attache Case for the Apartment
- Install an Apartment Balcony Worm Farm
- Wall Mounts for Flat Panel Displasys and LCD TVs
- Using a Widescreen LCD for TV
- Dual flush toilet cistern to save water
- Home Technology
Convergence, for the Face the IT Media Forum 2004, 20 September
- Presentation to the Canberra City Rotary
Club, Tuesday 6 May 2003
Planning not cost is key to success, Adrian Lynch, The
Australian, 20 May 2003
- Products for the Smart
- Bauhaus Presentation, Wednesday June
12, 2002, Sydney
- City Edge Apartment,
Photographs from an inspection 11 December 2001
- Technology for the Smart Apartment
- Smart Apartment for the
- Smart Apartment Prize Winning
- Keep the Vision of Parliament Clear, Submission
14 to the Inquiry into the administration
of the National Memorials Ordinance 1928 of the Joint Standing Committee on the
National Capital and External Territories, Parliment of Australia and published in the inquiry report, "Etched in Stone?", 23
November 2011.