Blockchain for education

Tom Worthington

Presentaion to the meeting of the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), of the International Standards Organization, Tuesday, January 21, 2020, UTS Sydney.

Blockchain for education quad chart

PDF version available

1. Use case(s)

2. Key requirements

3. Potential Solutions

4. Standardisation


The Australian National University introduced Micro-credentials procedures in October 2019 (Worthington, 2019).

During their career a worker may acquire hundreds of micro-credentials. These would need to be validated before the worker could undertake a specific job, or task. With the gig-economy, this may need to be done several times a day in seconds, in a country away from where the credentials were issued. This will require a system which can scale for billions of workers, securely, and be recognized by governments around the world. Blockchain implementation of micro-credentials could be aided by open source software for implementation, and open access education to teach its use.

The report, Blockchain Challenges for Australia (ACS, 2019), listed micro-credentials as a potential application for blockchain, requiring low computational power, a high volume of data storage and users, but low throughput (ACS, p 22, 2019).
