Segmentation Metadata
<sequence> <element name="ProgramRef" type="tva:CRIDRefType" minOccurs="0"/> <element name="Description" type="tva:BasicSegmentDescriptionType" minOccurs="0"/> <element name="SegmentLocator" type="mpeg7:MediaTimeType"/> <element name="KeyFrameLocator" type="mpeg7:MediaTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
From: Metadata, The TV-Anytime Forum, August 17, 2001, SP003v11.doc, ftp://tva:tva@ftp.bbc.co.uk/pub/Specifications/SP003v11.zip
The Segment Information includes a reference to the program the segment belongs to, a description of the content, of the segment. location of the segment (start time and duration).Segmentation Metadata probably provides the most scope for new forms of interactive content with TV-Anytime, but will cause the most problems for current conventional broadcasters. As well as being able to identify whole programs, segmentation allows segments within an audio visual stream to be identified by their start and stop time. This allows content to be restructured and re-used. Highlights can be presented, an index to sections of AV material or the material can be virtually re-editied. The Segmentation Metadata can be provided with the AV content or generated by the viewer or others. An example given by TV-Anytime is in repurposing of content for educational purposes.