Australian Computer Society
Invitation to Australian exhibits at CeBIT'96, 14-20 March, Hannover

From Tom Worthington, ACS President
The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is pleased to join with the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) and Australian government in supporting this Australian initiative.
Look for the "InTelligent Australia" banner at CeBIT96; with exhibits in Halls 5 (software), 6 (information technology) and 17 (telecommunications). AIIA staff at CeBIT96 will provide a referral service directing you to Australian customers, distributors, agents and partners. Also the Web version of this document at: has links to Australian industry and a facility to search for Australian exhibitors at CeBIT'96:
Don't forget the 14th World Computer Congress (IFIP96) is being held from 2-6 September in Canberra, Australia. The Australian Computer Society, with the support of the AIIA and Australian government, is hosting this flagship event for the International Federation for Information Processing. Details are available on the Web at or by e-mail at: Some exhibition space is still available for companies wishing to put their products before Australian and international customers.
On behalf of Australia's IT professionals I congratulate the Australian companies and Australian government on the arrangements for CeBIT96 and urge you to look at their work. Also I look forward to seeing you here in Canberra for IFIP96.
Tom Worthington
President of the Australian Computer Society
13 March 1996