[ACS LOGO]Australian Computer Society


Federal Elections 1996

Computer Society in Live Internet Coverage from the Tally Room

Thursday 29th February 1996

Details of counting in this weekend's Australian Federal Government Elections will be available in real-time to a world-wide audience via the Internet.

Tom Worthington, President of the Australian Computer Society, will be in the National Tally Room in Canberra on Saturday 2nd March to provide commentary on the 1996 Federal Election to Internet users around the world.

Multimedia coverage of the event will include election count data, digital pictures, Real Audio and Quick Time video, via the Internet.

Users will be able to log into the live election coverage at: http://www.netcetera.net.au/elections

Mr Worthington will deliver a presentation on the technical and social implications of the use of this technology at a meeting of the South Australian Branch of the ACS in Adelaide on Wednesday, 27 March.

Canberra will be "on-air" to the 'net again during the ACS's hosting of the 14th World Computer Congress, 2-6 September, 1996.

This international event will feature: a television program about social and moral dilemmas on the Internet to be broadcast on three continents, followed by world-wide Internet discussion, videoconference linkups between five continents and the six states of Australia; links between Canberra and overseas schools; a debate with Vienna via videoconference; and an Internet rock radio station.


Media Enquiries:

Caroline New
ACS Public Relations Consultant Ph: +61 2 630 2108 Fax: +61 2 630 1685 Email: cnew@acslink.net.au This document is available on the Internet at: http://www.tomw.net.au/elect96a.htm
See also: