[ACS LOGO]Australian Computer Society

Election'96 Internet Coverage - Report 2

Federal Elections 1996 - Computer Society in Live Internet Coverage from the Tally Room

Date: Saturday, 2 March 1996 19:30 +11:00 (EST)

2XX tell me: "A 7.6% swing against the ALP in NSW and across the country it is less clear (but a 1975 style result: a landslide to the Liberals)". A number of Ministers in the ALP Government may have lost their seats. For details see the ABC page.

Apologies about the slow response with the photos. The radio people next to me were trying to make a broadcast using an analogue mobile phone. However all the electronic hash from the GSM mobile phones. So I loaned them out land line and am using the LINK GSM phone (the data line is reliable with this but only 9600bps).

Andrew Long and Henk Brusse from the National Library of Australia have done these photos:

1900 hours - tally room 1900 hours - tally room

Tom Worthington Tom Worthington

Henk Brusse Henk Brusse

Henk Brusse Andrew Long

election report ABC election report ABC

general view general view

channel 9, ABC and channel 7 channel 9, ABC and channel 7


This document is available on the Internet at: http://www.tomw.net.au/elect96d.htm

See also: