Internet Reality Check
5:30pm Friday, 11 December 1998
Board Room, National Press Club, Canberra
Topic: Networked the Nation?
Special Guests:

Roger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd & Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, ANU
Tom Worthington, Former Advisor Internet Policy, Department of Defence & Immediate Past President, Australian Computer Society
How far along the path to the "networked nation" is Australia? How did we get where we are? What next?
In 1994 Roger Clarke and Tom Worthington prepared "Vision for a Networked Nation - The Public Interest in Network Services" for the Australian Computer Society. This was to establish policy on public interest in 'national information infrastructure' in Australia.
Roger Clarke is currently preparing a History of the Internet in Australia. Tom Worthington has this week stood down as the Internet Policy Advisor at the Department of Defence, to undertake a six month assignment with the Defence CIP Y2K Project Management Office.
Join Roger and Tom in looking back over recent Internet developments at the last IRC of the year.
IRCs are free (but you have to buy your own drinks and one for the special guest) and open to anyone interested: just turn up. Internet Reality Check (not to be confused with Internet Relay Chat) is designed so that members of the 'net community can meet and exchange the small amount of very important information which is not suitable for digital transmission. ;-)
See also:
- History of the Internet in Australia
- Vision for a Networked Nation - The Public Interest in Network Services
- IRC Home Page
- National Press Club
By Tom Worthington, Immediate Past President, Australian Computer Society.
Note: This information is no longer being updated but has been retained for reference.