Internet Reality Check
Next meeting: History is written by the linkers, 5:00 pm Friday, 25 February 2011
Leading Internet professionals meet for the "Internet Reality Check" (IRC) drinks each month, or so, in Canberra.
Internet Reality Check (not to be confused with Internet Relay Chat) is designed so that members of the 'net community can meet and exchange the small amount of very important information which is not suitable for digital transmission. ;-)
- Does it cost anything?: There is no entry fee, but you have to buy your own drinks (and one for the special guests),
- Do I have to book?: No.
- When do the speeches start?: There aren't any. This is informal discussion between all participants.
- Is it just for computer nerds?: No, we get other information professionals, including librarians, press and records managers. Even the odd politician on occasion.
- Is it only for important people?: On the Internet everyone is important.
- How do I find out when the next event is on?: IRCs are held
approximately monthly (usually on a Friday night at 5:30pm).
Announcements are posted a week or two in advance, to:
If you don't read any of the above regularly you might want to set an automatic advice service (such as URL-minder) to alert you to when a new event is posted to this page.
- I am visiting Canberra from overseas, will there be an IRC while I am here?: Volunteer to be the special guest for an IRC, that way you are unlikely to miss it! ;-)
Planned meetings:
- Internet, Media and Information, 5:30 pm Wednesday, 5 December 2001
Previous meetings:
- Data about data about education, 5:00 pm Thursday, 27 June 2002
- Internet, Media and Information, 5:30 pm Wednesday, 5 December 2001
- E-Democracy After the Election, 27 November 2001
- French-Australian InformationTechnology Cooperation, 4pm Thursday, July 12, 2001
- Through the looking glass: open source, Microsoft, Sun and public perceptions, 5:30 pm Friday, June 15, 2001
- Access All Areas: Making the Web Accessible, 5:30 pm Friday, 20 October 2000, Oxford, UK
- The Web from Yokohama to Frankston, August 18, 2000, Canberra
- Australian IT in the USA, 5:30 pm Wednesday, June 21, 2000
- Perceptions of Literacy and Technology, 5:00 pm Friday, 26 May 2000
- Privacy in Data Mining, 5:00 pm Friday, 4 February 2000
- The Fifth Estate? Monitoring the Media with Multimedia, Friday, 29th October 1999
- Exploring the Networked Nation, Friday, 10 September 1999 (Melbourne)
- Real Learning at the Virtual University, Friday, 27th August 1999
- Exploring the Networked Nation, 30 July 1999
- New Dimensions For Modeling Information, Thursday, 8 July 1999
- External Information, Intranets & Knowledge Management, Thursday, 24 June 1999
- Knowledge Management - Competitive Intelligence?, 15 April 1999
- Where is the Virtual Office?, Friday, 19 March 1999
- What do CIOs See?, Wednesday, 17 February 1999
- Networked the Nation?, 11 December 1998
- Information Industry - Net Benefit for Australia?, 30 October 1998
- Cyber-Spooks: Open Source Information from the Internet, 9 October 1998
- In PGP We Trust? - Public Key Certificates, 25 September 1998
- E-Govenment - Build or Buy?, Friday, 7 August 1998
- What's Up With E-Docs?, 29 June 1998
- "Bits of Culture": Australian Culture on the Internet, 15 May 1998
- The Top ten issues for Global Electronic Commerce, 17 April 1998
- An Unconventional Constitution - For the People, by the Net?, 13 February 1998
- Knowbots to Wobots: Automation On-line, 30 January, in Melbourne
- The Search Engine Working Group, 24 November 1997
- Steven L. Clift, Director, Democracies Online, Minneapolis USA, 3 November 1997
- Eric Wainwright, Chair of the Federal Government's Information Management Services Committee, 6 June 1997
- Military Internet and the Future of Canberra, 2 May 1997
- Software Engineering, with the Software Engineering Research Consultative Council, 4 April 1997
- Data Security and Privacy - Who's looking at who's bits? with W3C, 6th March 1997
- Friday 17 January 1997 defence internets - they also serve who service the web servers, with Dr. Brian Denehy
- Friday 1 November World Wide Wealth? with Dr. Bernard Robertson-Dunn
- Friday 6 September 1996, With the world's IT Presidents
- Friday 9 August 1996 Australian Telecommunications Policy
- 5pm AEST on Friday 12 July 1996
- 5pm AEST on Wednesday 12 June
- Friday 12 January 1996
- 5pm to 7pm AEST, Friday 15 September 1995
- Report from the meeting: Friday 18 August 1995
ps: To avoid confusion with regular Hotel patrons, all participants are requested to wear a distinguishing hat.
This Web Site Was Moved Here, February 1999
Web page by Tom Worthington. Comments to: webmaster@tomw.net.au
Note: This information is no longer being updated but has been retained for reference.