On-line Preparation of a Book published by the ACS in 1999

Semi-finalist - Australian Internet Awards 1999

Net Traveller

By Tom Worthington


Thank you for Help to Write the Book

In late 1998, I issued a request to the information technology (IT) and Internet community to help me write a book. I wanted to look at issues over the last four years with the growth of the World Wide Web, then at how organisations and communities might exploit such developments better in the future.

On the micro scale, the book is an example the way that the Internet has become a part of my everyday life. In the macro scale, I look at the steps needed to exploit information technology nationally. This is also intended to dispel some myths about how inevitable technological developments are and how infallible technologists are.

Thank you to all those who suggested items for the book. Here is where most of the material came from:

There is still the opportunity to make corrections and additions to the book. Please send suggestions, including the web address or article title, date and publication (if relevant) to: nt@tomw.net.au

In addition, you might like to suggest what should be in my next book. In that, I want to explore the concept of the economy of ideas, as an extension of e-commerce and how it might be fostered nationally.

Cataloguing in Publication

National Library of Australia cataloguing in publication:

Worthington, Tom, 1957- .
Net traveller : exploring the networked nation.

2nd ed.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0 909925 77 1.

1. Internet (Computer network). 2. Electronic commerce. I.
Australian Computer Society. II. Title.


(Edition 1.0 21 July 1999 was ISBN 0 909925 74 7.)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the book about? The book about how the Internet and the world wide web can become a part of everyday life - for business and pleasure. It is also about what steps are needed to exploit information technology nationally. It is intended to dispel some myths about how inevitable technological developments are and how infallible technologists are. The content was chosen with the help of the Internet community.
  2. What changed in the second edition? The second edition was released 31 October 1999. The only changes were to formatting in the printed version, with the text size increased from 10 to 11 point and page margins adjusted. The photos were then adjusted in size and some moved to fit the new layout. This made the book 25 pages longer.
  3. Why should I help you make money from a book? The motivation for this book is to help the community better understand and use the Internet and information technology, not to make money. My author's royalties from the first edition are being donated to the charity Technical Aid to the Disabled.
  4. Why Not Publish On-line? The content of the book is available free on-line. However, most people do not use the Internet, so I have to use a medium, such as paper to reach them.
  5. How Did You Write a Book in Six Months? This was my first book and I am tried to keep it short (less than 150 pages) and simple (using existing web based material). Normally I would give one or two conference presentations per month, each the equivalent of 10 pages of text. For the first half of 1999 I gave just one conference presentation and devoted my spare time to writing the book. This will required about 20 pages of new material and editing about 300 pages of existing material. I had experience in preparing a publication as editor of the Proceedings of the 1998 Information Industry Outlook Conference.
  6. Is This Just Vanity Publishing? The book is being published by the Australian Computer Society, a respected professional body with three decades of IT publishing experience. The book is being prepared on-line and produced using on demand printing. This is an experiment in a more efficient, more responsive publishing technique. It tries to combine the best features of on-line and paper publishing. If successful, it may be used for more ACS material. Perhaps one day all books will be produced this way.
  7. Can I use the Book in My Course?: Yes, you may use the electronic on-line version for personal and non-profit purposes. Several Universities are planning to use chapters in courses and for general instruction. Commercial for-profit course providers will need to discuss the payment of royalties.
  8. It is on-line, so What Stops ME Selling Copies?: The material is protected under international copyright law and unauthorised use will be prosecuted.
  9. Are you employed by the ACS?: No. I have held a number of honorary (unpaid) positions with the ACS since 1986, including national president 1996-1997.


OzEmail Limited

This book has been published with the financial support of OzEmail Limited, in the interests of ensuring a shared understanding of the revolution we are promoting through the Internet.

Further Information

Copyright © Tom Worthington 1999.